The Zakat Eid Festival allowed Muslim students to celebrate the end of Ramadan together.

The transformative power of giving is evident in its capacity to change both the giver and the receiver, fostering moments of kindness that resonate well beyond the initial gesture of generosity. With this principle at its core, Hostos Community College hosted its inaugural Zakat Eid Festival in the C-building Gym on Friday, April 19. This celebration is grounded in the Islamic tradition of "zakat," which emphasizes the significance of charity, giving, and benevolence. Held from 3:30 – 7 p.m., the event concluded Ramadan with a dynamic celebration of philanthropy and communal unity for the College’s sizable Muslim student population.

“This festival is an opportunity to celebrate diversity at Hostos. It is an opportunity to help everybody feel welcome in school and learn from each other, whether you are a Muslim or interested in learning more about it,” said Student Government Association Senator and Office of Communications Scheduling Assistant Ansumana Jammeh, who served as the event’s emcee.

Ansumana Jammeh as emcee.

The festival began with welcoming remarks and a panel about the principles of Ramadan and zakat. The speakers were Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Abdallah, Ph.D., a visiting scholar at Mount Hope Masjid, and Imam Hassan Sillah from Masjid Muqbil, both places of worship located in the Bronx. Various stations were arranged around the venue, dedicated to distributing food and clothing to those in need.


Two main stations with donations were available to those who needed them, giving away food and clothing items.

One of the highlights of the event was when the community came together to break bread, enjoying a delicious spread of West African cuisine that included jollof rice, fish, chicken, plantains, and greens, complemented by dessert from the Yemeni coffee shop Qahwah House.


An assortment of West African delicacies for the community.

Qahwah House, a Brooklyn- and West Village-based Yemeni coffee house, attended the College’s event to serve sweet treats, milk tea, and coffee.

This event was sponsored by Educating for Diversity: Ms. MacKenzie Scott’s Gift: President’s Initiatives and organized by student Khadidia Traore, the Hostos Muslim Club, the Family Empowerment Club, the Family Empowerment Program, and the Student Government Association.