If you’re not receiving financial aid or it’s not enough to cover your Fall or Spring charges, you may want to enroll in the monthly payment plan. The earlier you enroll, the lower your monthly payments since the total amount financed will be divided over more scheduled payments. The payment plan enrollment fee is $40 regardless of payment method. Please be aware that there is a 2.65% service fee on all credit/debit card transactions.
After enrollment, you now have the option to switch the payment method but this should be done at least 1 business day BEFORE the due date (5th of the month)..
Please be reminded that you must disable pop-up blockers in your internet browser in order to enroll in a payment plan.
How to Enroll
Login to CUNYfirst
- Student Center
- Financial Account (under Account Balance—Select Hostos C.C.)
- Payment Plan
* Please use a computer/laptop--Internet explorer, Firefox, or Chrome and disable pop-up blocker.
Upon Enrollment, Initial Payment is comprised of First Payment and Enrollment Fee.
[d] All payments subsequent to the Initial Payment are automatically processed on the remaining scheduled payment dates. The Scheduled Payment Dates are typically on the 5th of the Month, but if the 5th falls on a weekend the payment will be processed on the following business day.