1. Is there a special form for Faculty travel? Yes, the Provost’s Office has created a separate form for Faculty. You can download these forms from Accounts Payable's "Travel & Expense Information" page. 2. What is the current mileage rate? The rate is 55 cents per mile. 3. What are the per diem rates for travel? Per diem rates are based on the location traveled to. Please visit the US General Services Administration's website for domestic travel, or the US Department of State website for international travel. 4. What are the per diem rates for meals? Per diem rates are based on the location traveled to. Please visit the US General Services Administration's website for domestic travel, or the US Department of State website for international travel. 5. What documentation do I need to submit with the Travel Authorization? Conference literature should be attached when submitting the Travel Authorization in CUNYfirst. 6. What documentation do I need to submit with the Expense Report? Electronic copies of receipts (including hotel bills, toll receipts, et cetera) and conference literature should be attached when submitting the Expense Report in CUNYfirst. 7. When will my check be ready? Personal expense checks will be ready in 2-4 days; travel expense checks will be ready in 10-15 days. 8. Where do I pick up my reimbursement check? Checks may be picked up at the Bursar’s Office (D-B105); you will receive a notification email when your check is ready.