General Information
CUNYfirst System
The Travel & Expense Module in CUNYfirst is the preferred method for submitting travel authorizations and expense reports. Our office has created a step-by-step guide to assist users with the process.
Manual - CUNYfirst Travel & Expense Module (.pdf)
CUNYfirst Upgrade to Peoplesoft 9.2 - Travel and Expense Guide 2-22-2022 (.pdf)
Directive 6
The Office of the Comptroller of The City of New York issues its Internal Control and Accountancy Directives, establishing financial policy, procedures, and standards for City of New York agencies. Directive 6 addresses the guidelines governing travel, meals, lodging and other expenses incurred during the conduct of official business.
Directive 6 - Travel, Meals, Lodging, and Miscellaneous Agency Expenses (rev. December 2016)
Reimbursement Rates
The following pages provide the official maximum rates for reimbursement of City of New York employees traveling on official business.
The following documents are specific to faculty seeking reimbursements for travel and related expenses.