Make sure your Hostos Community College email address is active and use it. All important college information will come to your Hostos email address. All CUNYfirst announcements will come there too. Your private e-mail account cannot be used. As soon as you claim your account you can start to plan your future semesters in CUNYfirst so that you will be ready when you receive your enrollment appointment time (registration date). Use the “Planner” function to prepare for your upcoming semesters. Check your Hostos e-mail regularly – you will be notified via e-mail when student enrollment appointments are available for you to check in CUNYfirst. This is the ONLY notification you will receive. You will need to log into your CUNYfirst account to see your appointment time. Enroll in your classes and pay your tuition When it is your turn to register, log into CUNYfirst to enroll for your classes. CUNYfirst uses a shopping cart concept (like Amazon) where you can store various course choices. Only confirm the classes that you plan on taking: pay attention to the system indicators (green circle for open class, blue square for closed). Once you confirm your class selectionyour semester schedule is up to date and you can print it out. Make sure you complete all confirmation steps (eg. you are not enrolled in classes that you leave in your shopping cart). IMPORTANT: When you confirm your classes you are accepting financial responsibility for payment. You do not need to go to the Bursar's Office to validate your tuition bill. Please be aware that Hostos will NOT mail a bill to your house. A copy of your statement can be printed through your online access to CUNYfirst. If there is an uncovered balance, payment can be made online, via mail or in person at the Bursar's Office. If you have applied for Federal or State Financial Aid the amount of your award should be reflected in your tuition statement. Please follow up with the Financial Aid office if you have questions. If you drop or swap classes, make sure you understand that it might have an effect on Financial Aid. Check the academic calendar for the deadline to withdraw from classes without financial liability. If you need help with CUNYfirst, go to the Hostos CUNYfirst website to watch step by step instructional video on how to do what you want – get classes, swap classes, drop classes, etc. CUNYfirst Help Desk: (718) 518-6646