Hostos User Account
Hostos users are provided with a unique user name and password to access all the resources provided by Hostos. The Hostos user account provide a means for authenticating and auditing user’s access to the network and the domain resources.
Activate Your CUNYfirst Account
The CUNYfirst username follows a strict format (Firstname.LastnameNN - where NN is the last two numerals of your assigned EMPLID Number. You do not choose or create your CUNYfirst account username. Activating your CUNY Login account requires authenticating your legal first name and last name, date of birth and a partial Social Security or CUNY-assigned 4-digit number.
What is CUNYfirst? What are my CUNY Login account credentials (username and password)? What is an EMPLID?
Apps Using CUNY Login
The following table identifies the CUNY applications using the CUNY Login credentials, whether they are single sign-on enabled and their corresponding inactivity timeouts.