FAQ´s Answers |
1. How accurate is the information within the FAQ section? |
This booklet is revised, updated and reprinted every July. The new booklet will replace and void all previous versions. The information in this booklet was accurate as of the date on the cover. However, rules, regulations, tuition, student activity fees, etc., are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, you should contact a faculty member from the Dental Hygiene Program. Advisement by non-Dental Hygiene faculty may result in misinformation and may cause lost time and/or effort.
2. Who should I go to for the most up-to-date information about the program? |
You should contact a faculty member from the Dental Hygiene Program. The department is located at 500 Grand Concourse, on the main floor. This is also called the “B” building. The phone number is:(718) 319-7949
The following faculty and staff are available to answer your questions:
Prof. S. Rayman Unit Coordinator |
ext. 7945 |
B-131 |
Prof. J. Bencosme |
ext. 7940 |
B-134 |
Prof. S. Castellanos |
ext. 7942 |
B-133 |
Prof. A. Chitlall |
ext. 7953 |
B-340 |
Dr. E. Dincer |
ext. 7944 |
B-135 |
Prof. P. Leuwaisee |
ext. 7947 |
B-342 |
Prof. D. Macri |
ext. 7970 |
B-340 |
Prof. P. Nazar |
ext.7946 |
B-342 |
Prof. A. Pastoriza Maldonado |
ext. 7948 |
B-132 |
Prof. J. Rover |
ext.7952 |
B-136 |
Ms. D. Brown, College Laboratory Technician |
ext. 7941 |
B-128 |
Ms. J. Perez, CUNY Office Assistant |
ext. 7949 |
B-128 |
Clinic Receptionist |
ext. 7943 |
B-124 |
3. Can a new freshman or transfer student enter directly into the program? |
The City University of New York (CUNY) maintains an open enrollment policy. Anyone who wishes to enter Hostos and declare Dental Hygiene as their major is encouraged to do so. However, students may not progress into the clinical phase of the program until they have satisfied all the pre-clinical criteria.
Any student applying as a transfer student from another college must make an appointment with the Admissions Office personnel to have his or her transcripts evaluated. Once this is done an appointment should be done with a dental hygiene faculty advisor. Decision will be based on space availability and academic profile.
If you wish to enroll at Hostos, please contact the office of Admissions and Recruitment, Savoy Manor, 120 East 149th Street, room 210, or 500 Grand Concourse, main floor (718) 319-7900/7901.
Dental Hygiene students are admitted into Curriculum 21 under the major of Dental Hygiene, not the Clinical phase of the Dental Hygiene Program. Students are evaluated for the Clinical phase of the Dental Hygiene Program only after they have completed the following prerequisites courses: ENG 110, BIO 230, BIO 240, CHE 110 AND CHE 120.
These prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the Spring semester to be eligible for the Clinical phase that begins every Fall.
4. Is there a waiting list for the program? |
No. Each year student selection is based upon a pool of applicants applying who have met the dental hygiene program criteria for admission.
5. How long is the program? |
The Dental Hygiene Program offers a two and three year course of study which includes summer sessions. The extended Three-Year Program is targeted for the student who is academically compromised by familial and financial obligations.
6. What is the Clinical Phase and when does the clinical phase of the program begin? |
Students begin the clinical phase of the program when they progress into Den 112 -Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice I. This course is only offered in the Fall semester (September) and has a clinical/laboratory component.
7. What are the criteria for progression into the clinical phase of the program? |
Dental Hygiene students are admitted into Curriculum 21 under the major of Dental Hygiene, not the Clinical phase of the Dental Hygiene Program. Students are evaluated for the Clinical phase of the Dental Hygiene Program only after they have completed the following prerequisites courses: ENG 110, BIO 230, BIO 240, CHE 110 AND CHE 120. These prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the Spring semester to be eligible for the Clinical phase that begins every Fall.
Students are informed via their Hostos email ONLY on acceptance or non-acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program on or around the second to third week in June.
Dental Hygiene major students must meet with a Dental Hygiene Faculty Advisor once each semester to review requirements and the Dental Hygiene Eligibility Worksheet.DHP-Eligibility-Worksheet-2023 Sample Dental-Hygiene-Program-Eligibility-Worksheet
Please click on The Dental Hygiene Program Eligibility Worksheet and Degree Map links below to review the admission requirements for the Clinical Phase of the Dental Hygiene Program.
Dental Hygiene Program Eligibility Worksheet: DHP-Eligibility-Worksheet-2023
Sample DHPEW-02-24-2023
Degree Map: http://www.hostos.cuny.edu/Hostos/media/Office-of-Academic-Affairs/Academic-Advisement/Dental-Hygiene-Program-AAS.pdf
8. Is there any time off during the clinical phase of the program? |
Yes. You will receive a five-week break each summer. You will also receive time off during January, the final exam period, and all the legal holidays observed by the college.
9. Do I pay full tuition during the summer sessions? |
10. How many hours per week is the program? |
The program is full-time, five-days-a-week. You must be available to attend classes Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m..
11. What type of degree does a dental hygiene graduate receive? |
The Dental Hygiene Program leads to an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree for students who successfully complete the course of study.
Students are prepared to become registered dental hygienists and pass intensive theory National Board and Clinical State Board examinations. Passing both examinations are required for licensure and employment.
12. Are any of the Dental Hygiene courses taught in Spanish? |
No. All Dental Hygiene courses are taught in English. The National Board Examination is only offered in English.
13. Can I attend Hostos on a part-time basis? |
Yes. You can attend Hostos part-time if you are only taking the general education courses. However, once you advance into the clinical phase of the program you must enroll in all sequenced Dental Hygiene courses offered each semester. Dental Hygiene courses are assigned as a complete "block."
14. Can I register for only a few of the "block" of Dental Hygiene courses? |
No. Once you have been admitted into the clinical phase of the program, you must register for the entire block of sequenced and required Dental Hygiene courses each semester. During the first week of classes, the program coordinator confirms registration into the block.
15. Is there a specific course sequence I must follow? |
16. What should I do if a dental course is closed? |
If you have successfully completed all the pre-clinical criteria and progressed into the clinical phase of the program, a faculty member from the Dental Hygiene Program will assist you in registering for the course. Please keep in mind that you must register and bursar for all the appropriate Dental Hygiene courses offered each semester. (Bursar means to pay on time)
17. Can I work while in the program? |
Full or part-time employment is not recommended. Students who have attempted to work a full-time job while pursuing a degree in dental hygiene have a lower success rate. The clinical phase of the program requires many hours of intensive studying while you are also "on-the-job” several days a week. Students who do best are those who are strongly motivated and willing to devote much of their free time to studying. The Extended Three-Year Program is targeted for those students who are academically compromised by family and financial obligations.
18. Is it possible to take only early morning classes so I can work part-time during the day? |
No. The mandatory Dental Hygiene courses are only offered during specific times and you must enroll in all the courses when they are offered. You will not be able to work any daytime hours outside Hostos.
19. Are any Dental Hygiene courses offered in the evening? |
Dental Hygiene courses are offered from 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. However, an evening clinic is assigned occasionally.
20 . Are any of the General Education courses offered in the evening? |
Yes. Many of the General Education courses are offered in the evening. However, once you have progressed into the clinical phase of the program, specific sections are reserved for dental hygiene students.
21.. Why are General Education courses required? |
To receive an Associate in Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) degree from the City University of New York (CUNY), a specific portion of the course work must be completed in Liberal Arts.
22 . What is the tuition at Hostos? |
Tuition at Hostos is the same as any other branch of CUNY. Please visit Hostos Tuition and Fees Website
23. Are there any other expenses? |
Estimate of Expenses for Prospective Dental Hygiene Students Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program requires a substantial financial investment for a greater return upon completion of the program. For training, students are required to purchase instruments, supplies, lab coats, uniforms, white shoes, books, and liability insurance. Estimates of required expenditures are as follows:
First Semester: All students starting the Dental Hygiene curriculum will need the money to buy all first semester books, equipment, and material by the second week of classes. Therefore, students beginning the program must prepare in advance to pay for these expenses:
Dental Hygiene Program Estimated Expenses (subject to change)
First Semester |
Cost |
Dental Hygiene Supplies |
$4,025.00 |
Books |
$500.00 |
SADHA Dues + |
$70.00 |
Total |
$4,595.00 |
Second Semester |
Dental Hygiene Supplies |
$600.00 |
Books |
$500.00 |
Total |
$1,100.00 |
Summer Semester |
Laboratory Supplies |
$50.00 |
Books |
$270.00 |
Total |
$320.00 |
Third Semester |
Dental Hygiene Supplies |
$600.00 |
Books |
$500.00 |
SADHA Dues + |
$70.00 |
Total |
$1,170.00 |
Fourth Semester |
Dental Hygiene Supplies |
$500.00 |
Books |
$400.00 |
Dental Hygiene Exams Licensing Jurisdictions |
Full ADEX Dental Hygiene Exam * |
$1,150.00 |
National Board Dental Hygiene Exam (NBDHE) ** |
$565.00 |
Total |
$2,615.00 |
Estimated Total Cost |
$9,800.00 |
+SADHA: Student American Dental Hygienist Association.
* https://adextesting.org/
**National Board Dental Hygiene Exam.
24. If I am an international student, will I be able to graduate and get my license? |
As an international student you will be able to graduate but in order for you to receive your license you must be a lawful alien admitted with a “Visa Screen” or USCIS I-551” status.
Please visit www.op.nysed.gov for further updates.
25. Is financial assistance available? |
Yes. Specially trained personnel are available to assist qualified students in obtaining financial aid. For specific information about procedures and deadlines, please contact the office of Financial Aid, Savoy Manor, 120 East 149th Street, room B111 (basement), (718) 518-6555.
26. How difficult are the Dental Hygiene courses? |
The level of difficulty is the same as any other comparable allied health program. To succeed you need to be very motivated and prepared to spend the necessary amount of time studying. How difficult a student views the program has more to do with how prepared they are when they enter the program, whether they are experiencing outside distractions, and how motivated they are.
If this is of great concern to you, you may consider taking all the General Education courses before progressing into the clinical phase of the program.
27. What happens if I fail a course? |
1. A Dental Hygiene student is required to obtain a grade of “C “or better in each course for each semester in the dental hygiene program.
2. Failure of two (2) Dental Hygiene courses could/may result in dismissal from the program.
3. A student may only repeat a Dental Hygiene course once, assuring that the overall semester GPA is 2.0 and above. The course can only be repeated during the Dental Hygiene Program course sequence.
4. Students who withdraw from the program will be considered for re-admittance only after all students meeting the entrance and progression requirements have been evaluated.
5. Students who are granted permission to return to the program will be required to register through the Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Development to maintain or remediate didactic and clinical competencies; to assure the retention of essential knowledge and skills.
6. Due to the highly competitive nature of the program repeated failures or withdrawals do not provide the academic profile required for progression/ continuation into the Clinical Phase of the Dental Hygiene program. Therefore, their acceptance for readmission into the programs is not guaranteed.
Deficient and Failing Grades Performance of "D" In any course required in the Dental Hygiene Program is not accepted in the program. A grade of "C" is minimal accepted performance for any of the listed dental hygiene program required courses.
The criteria for grading in the Dental Hygiene Program in all Dental Hygiene courses is:
A 100-93
B+ 92-89
B 88-85
B- 84-81
C+ 80-78
C 77-75
D 74-70
F Grades below 70.
28 . Is there a great deal of teacher-student contact during the program? |
Yes. You will be closely supervised throughout the clinical phase of the program. Professors who are licensed and registered in the dental field teach all dental lectures, laboratory and clinical laboratory sections. You will also have a faculty advisor who would be assigned to you for any questions or problems that may arise.
29. How much math and science are/is required before entering into the program? |
Prior to progressing into the clinical phase of the program students must:
• Successfully complete or be exempt from MAT 020.
• Successfully complete the following General Education courses with a grade of “C” or better: BIO 230, BIO 240,CHE 110 and CHE 120.
• Successfully complete ENG 110.
30. If I am weak in math or science is it still possible for me to make it through the program? |
The college provides free peer tutoring, as funds become available. In the past, the following subjects have received funding: mathematics, algebra, biology and all the radiologic science courses.
31. If I have already completed all the Liberal Arts courses, how long is the program? |
The clinical phase of the program will still take you two (2) more years of study—including one summer session. The dental hygiene courses are not affected by the Liberal Arts courses completed. On the positive side, you will be taking fewer courses each semester.
32. What is the curriculum for the Dental Hygiene Program at Hostos? |
A copy of the curriculum appears in the Program of Study - Degree map.www.hostos.cuny.edu/Administrative-Offices/Office-of-Academic-Affairs/Information,-Policies,-and-Guidelines/Curriculum-Office/Hostos-Degree-Maps-(1) The courses are distributed among two academic disciplines: Liberal Arts & Sciences and Dental Hygiene.
Program of study leading to the Associate in applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree in Dental Hygiene:
Liberal Arts & Sciences 29 Credits
Dental Hygiene 41 Credits
Total for Degree 70 Credits