Nursing Department Announcements

Spring 2025 TEAS Exam
Students that are interested in the RN Evening program and LPN Evening program
starting Spring 2025
Must take the TEAS exam during the following dates
November 1th Thru December 5th
The test will be REMOTELY
To be considered for the program you must be within compliance with the following:
RN-LPN Meeting grade/ GPA Criteria
Candidates grades will be reviewed when the semester is over and all grades are in
For more information please email with your First/Last Name & Empli ID
  1. Candidates’ academic grades will be reviewed when the Fall 2024 grades are in; the ATI TEAS Score is competitive, so candidates need to study and be prepared for the subject matter.
  2. Study materials can be purchased through; there are free preparation materials available through the Hostos Library as well as free tutoring at HALC. When you go to HALC, know what subjects you need tutoring in.
  3. In order to purchase permission for the ATI TEAS Test, it is recommended you go to the online ATI Store and create an ATI Account at Refer to ATI website regarding cost to test. We only accept one test per semester.
  4. ATI can answer questions or provide help. Call them at 1-800-667-7531, the Nursing Office cannot offer help with ATI. They are a separate and independent corporation.
  5. If you are not eligible for admission, do not purchase the ATI TEAS Test, there are no refunds.
  Test Day Information
  1. Eligible students should signin their computer about 30 minutes before the start of test time. The test takes approximately 4 hours. If the student gets extra time, you must be registered with ARC in the D Building prior to November 1st.  
  2. At the time of admission, the eligible student must have a current Hostos Community College ID and it is recommended you bring a print-out of the paid ATI TEAS fee. The student’s name must match the Student ID, the paid receipt as well as our roster. Names that do not match, will not be admitted for testing.
  3. All TEAS registrations are final, with no exceptions. If you can’t make the purchased session and have a documented emergency, please contact: 800-667- 7531, and they can let you know where to send documentation. If you miss the original purchase date, it will not count against you as an attempt, however, you will have to pay for an additional session.
  4. Come prepared with ATI Username/Password/Paper Pencil credentials. If you are not prepared with login credentials, you may be denied testing and will not be rescheduled or refunded.
  5. Must present Hostos Community College photo ID at the time of check-in.
To be considered for eligibility, the student must comply with the following:
RN- Meeting grade/ GPA Criteria:
  • ENG110, BIO230/240/310, MAT 120, CHE 110 (B Minus or higher is required in each course) and ENG 111, PSY101/110, SOC101, HLT215 (C or higher is required in each course).
  • Students may repeat only one pre-requisite course.
  • Science courses more than five (5) years old are NOT accepted.
  • GPA of 3.00 or better for the pre-requisite courses.
  • See the Degree Map on
LPN- Meeting grade/GPA Criteria:
  • BlO 230 Anatomy & Physiology; ENG 110 Expository Writing; MAT 120 Statistics; PSY 101 General Psychology; BIO 240 Anatomy & Physiology II; BLS 150 Ethnicity HLT & ILL, or SOC 101 Sociology, PSY 110 Life-Span Development of Behavior; (SOC 101 is recommended for students wishing to later enter the RN Program).
  • B- or higher is required in ENG 110 & MAT 120 All other prerequisite courses must be a C or higher.
  • GPA of 2.75 or better for the pre-requisite courses.
  • Only one course below the minimum requirement is allowed to be repeated.
  • No Sciences older than 5 years will be accepted.
  • See the information under LPN Certificate on the HCC Website.