Elizabeth Porter began as Assistant Professor in January 2019. She received her Ph.D in English literature from Fordham University in 2017, and her area of specialization is eighteenth-century British literature. Her research explores the literary and cultural interest in eighteenth-century London and the representations of women’s roles in urban space. She has published her research in the peer-reviewed journal Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and His Contemporaries and in Eighteenth-Century Fiction.

Teaching and Research Interests:
Teaching interests: Developmental co-requisite courses, ENG 110 and 111, and WGS 100 Research interests: novel studies, feminism and gender history, and urban studies.

“A Metropolis in Motion: Defoe and Urban identity in A Journal of the Plague Year." Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and His Contemporaries vol. 7, no. 1 (2015). http://digitaldefoe.org/2015/10/28/a-metropolis-in-motion-defoe-and-urban-identity-in-a-journal-of-the-plague-year/