Health Care Management Option
Liberal Arts A.A. Degree with Health Care Management Option
The health care industry is one of the fastest growing in the U.S. offering a variety of fulfilling career opportunities. The interdisciplinary Health Care Management Option encompasses courses in health education, public policy and administration and business. It provides students with a foundational understanding of current health issues such as health inequity, health promotion and disease prevention. Students will develop skills in cross-cultural and interpersonal communications. They will acquire a basic understanding of the structure and leadership of public agencies as well as basic concepts in financing and business management. Students completing this Option will have the ability to enter the health care management workforce in an entry-level position. This Option also enables students to transfer to a four-year college program in health care management or administration.
Liberal Arts Degree interdisciplinary Option in Health Care Management Courses (total of 12 credits)
HLT 110 Introduction to Community Health Education
3 credits, 3 hours
Pre/Co-requisite: ENG 91 or ESL 91 when offered in English; SPA 121 when offered in Spanish
The student will examine and analyze various health organizations and their role in community health; the emerging role of community health workers in promoting health of neglected populations; the spread and control of communicable diseases; the community health structure and the principles underlying health behavior, learning, and change; theories of health behavior and practical models for community health worker interventions.
HLT 103 Interpersonal Relations and Teamwork
3 credits, 3 hours
Pre/Co-requisite: ENG 91 or ESL 91 when offered in English; SPA 121 when offered in Spanish
The student will demonstrate knowledge and use of various interpersonal skills in the area of human relationships by participating in small T-groups, role-playing, and lecture demonstrations. The students will also identify and analyze certain psychological concepts necessary to understand the dynamics of human behavior. Offered in English and Spanish.
PPA 101 Fundamentals of Public Administration & Management
3 credits, 3 hours
The student will examine the basic concepts and processes of organization, leadership, decision-making, and information flow as they are applied in the public sector.
BUS 100 Introduction to Business
3 credits, 3 hours
Pre-requisite: MAT 10 or higher.
Co-requisites: For sections in Spanish: Exempt from or passed SPA 121. For section in English: ESL 91 or above. For sections in Spanish, ESL 35 or above.
The student will discuss and analyze problems relating to financing and operating a business, and will demonstrate knowledge of the functions of a business including terms, such as human resources and market management. The student will explain the principles of business management, such as planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and decision-making, The student will participate in individual and group written analysis and oral presentations of cases. The student will also apply analytical thinking by solving business problems using microcomputers in a laboratory setting. Offered in English and Spanish.