Options Introduction


Welcome to the Liberal Arts Options!

These are newly designed programs of study for Liberal Arts majors that are 9-12 elective credits. They are meant for you to undertake a more in-depth exploration of an area of interest to you. The Options can serve as an introduction to more advanced academic studies you might pursue at a four-year college, or they can provide you with the skills you need to pursue a career in a field of interest with your A.A. Degree.

Each Option is aligned with the mission and learning outcomes of the Liberal Arts degree and will provide you with the specific skills and abilities you need to succeed academically and professionally. There is a broad range of Options encompassing the arts (theater, studio art, art history and music), Black Studies, health care, women and gender studies, literature, writing, linguistics, history, social studies, physical education, and science.

We invite you to browse through the many offerings (and there are more to come!) to see what appeals to you. Some of the Options recommend courses for your first 30 credits in the Flexible and Common Core, so thinking now about an Option you might pursue later will help you plan ahead.

We think you will find these Liberal Arts Options an exciting opportunity to enhance your college studies and make the most of your A.A. Degree. 

Liberal Arts A.A. Options include:

Behavioral/Social Sciences
Behavior Science Options Social Sciences Options Social Work

Education Options

English Options Humanities Options Language & Congition Option Women's and Gender Studies Option