MAT 10 |
0 credit (4.5 equated), 4.5 hours |
Pre/Corequisite: ESL 025 in English, SPA 121 in Spanish
This course provides the basic arithmetic skills that will be utilized in all subsequent mathematics and science courses. Topics: operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion and percent, scientific notation, the metric system, word problems, and applications.
Syllabus:[ PDF ] |
MAT 15 |
0 credit (6.0 equated), 6.0 hours |
Pre/Corequisite: Placement score of 25 or above on the COMPASS M1
This intensive course is designed for students who have a high fail on the Compass exam, to prepare them for college level mathematics and in one semester to pass the final exams for pre-algebra and algebra. The aim of this course is to integrate basic skills in arithmetic and algebra while developing students' understanding of algebraic relationships and strategies of problem solving. Topics from arithmetic include: real numbers, number line and the concepts of ratio, proportion, percent, and measurement system, Topics from algebra include: signed numbers, algebraic and exponential expressions; linear equations; applications or word problems; polynomials, factoring and related concepts; linear equations and their graphs and systems; roots and radicals.
Syllabus:[ PDF ] |
MAT 20 |
0 credit (4.5 equated/billable), 4.5 hours |
Prerequisite: MAT 10 OR initial placement through Compass
Pre/Corequisite: ESL 025 in English, SPA 121 in Spanish
This course provides basic skills in elementary algebra. Topics: operations with real numbers, operations with polynomials, powers with integral exponents, linear equations, simultaneous linear equations, and the Cartesian plane.
Syllabus (in English): [ PDF ]
Sample CEAFE : [ FORM C ] [ FORM D ] [ FORM E ]
Syllabus (in Spanish):[ PDF ] |