CHE 105 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
4.5 credits 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. Lab; 1 hrs. Recitation |
Pre-requisite: MAT 105 or MAT 1205
Co-requisite: MAT 105 or MAT 1205
The student will solve problems and analyze data which require knowledge of general chemistry and inorganic chemistry including principles of scientific measurements, atomic theory, chemical bonding, nuclear chemistry, gas of organic compounds. This course is required for Dental Hygiene and Nursing students. Offered in English only. |
CHE 110 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/1 hrs. recitation / 2-hrs.lab |
Pre-requisite: MAT 110 or satisfactory performance on math skills test.
Co-requisite: MAT 20 or satisfactory performance on math skills test.
The student will solve problems and analyze data which require a knowledge of the principles of atomic theory, chemical bonding, the gas laws and solutions. The student will also recognize the different classes of organic compounds. This course is for Dental Hygiene students and a requirement for entry into the Nursing Program. No student may receive credit for both CHE 110 and CHE 4019. Offered in English only. |
CHE 120 |
course syllabus (pdf format)
2 credits, 2-hrs. lecture |
Pre-requisite: CHE 110
A survey of the fundamentals of organic and biological chemistry. This course is for Dental Hygiene students and a requirement for entry into the Nursing Program. Offered in English only.. |
CHE 210 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/3 hrs. lab/1-hrs. recitation workshop |
Pre-requisite: MAT 160, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Co-requisite: MAT 160, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
The students will analyze data and solve problems related to the principles of modern atomic theory, stoichiometry, oxidationreduction reaction, gas laws, thermochemistry, electromagnetic radiation and quantum theory, chemical bonding and molecular structure, and properties of solutions. This course is intended for students preparing for careers in the sciences and engineering. |
CHE 220 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/3-hrs. lab/1-hrs. recitation workshop |
Pre-requisite: MAT 210, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Co-requisite: MAT 210, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Students will work on laws, concepts and techniques of chemistry including chemical kinetics, ionic equilibria in aqueous solution, thermodynamics electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, classes of organic and biochemical compounds. This course is intended for students preparing for careers in the sciences and engineering. |
CHE 299 |
3 credits, 3 hours |
Pre-requisite: BIO 220 and CHE 220 with a minimum grade of B
This course is designed to help students study particular topics of interest in the Chemistry sciences while developing advanced research skills fundamental in planning and carrying out an independent scientific research project. Students will conduct laboratory, field research or library research using sophisticated methodology, equipment and techniques to obtain and analyze data. The research findings will be presented using oral and written papers. |
CHE 310 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
3 credits, 3 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/1-hrs. recitation |
Pre-requisite: CHE 220 and CHE 222
This course will provide the student with a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of organic chemistry. Molecular structure and bonding will be introduced at a theoretical level. Students will become familiar with molecular orbitals and their use in understanding chemical phenomena, hydrocarbons, stereochemical (3-dimensional) aspects of structure; strategies of organic synthesis will be emphasized by means of problem solving. This course is intended for chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, chemical engineering, and other students on scientific or professional careers paths. |
CHE 312 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
2 credits, 4 hours lab |
Pre/Co-requisites: CHE 310
The student will perform exercise involving the preparation and purification of carbon compounds. For students majoring in Engineering. |
CHE 314 |
3 credits, 6-hrs lab |
Pre/Co-requisite: CHE 310
The students will be introduced to organic chemistry laboratory techniques, including methods of synthesis, isolation, purification, and analysis. The major techniques introduced will be distillation, extraction, and recrystallization. The chromatographic techniques that will be used include thin layer, micro-column, and gas chromatography. Infrared spectroscopy will also be introduced. These techniques will be introduced in conjunction with a synthetic experiment (e.g. Sn1 reaction, aldol condensation, Diels-Alder reaction, synthesis of aspirin and acetylferrocene). For students majoring in Natural or Physical Sciences. this is the Organic Chemistry I Laboratory course for chemistry majors |
CHE 320 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
3 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/1-hrs. recitation |
Pre-requisite: CHE 310 and CHE 312 or CHE 314
Co-requisite: CHE 322
The objective of this course is to give students of chemical, physical sciences and molecular biological sciences a complete and in-depth understanding of organic chemistry. The chemistry of the remaining functional groups not covered in CHE 310 will be discussed including nomenclature, stereosomerism, and stereoseletivity of reactions. Organic functional groups will be introduced and discussed in detail. Problem solving will be used to give the student a working understanding of multi-step reaction mechanisms, modern reagents used for organic synthesis, and synthetic strategy. Polyfunctional compounds and interactions between functional groups will also be covered, as well as applications of organic chemistry in biochemistry, biotechnology, and materials science. Modern organic analytical methods, such as mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance will be covered in detail. |
CHE 322 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
1 credit, 3-hrs. lab |
Pre/Co-requisite: CHE 320
This course will provide the student with a thorough understanding of the advance concepts of organic chemistry laboratory. They will learn the different reactions for qualitative identification of various functional groups and purification procedures of organic analysis at pilot experiments. Students will become familiar with the understanding of chemical phenomena, hydrocarbons, stereochemical (3-dimensional) aspects of structure; strategies of organic synthesis. This course is intended for chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, chemical engineering, and other students on scientific or professional career paths. |