ENGR 106 |
course syllabus (pdf format) |
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture
Pre/Co-requisite: ENG 110 and MAT 210
The course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the earth system on a global scale by studying its component parts or reservoirs (the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere), the interactions, linkages and dynamic equilibrium among these reservoirs at various time scales, and the effect of external forces on the system. |
PHY 110 |
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/3-hrs. lab/1-hrs. recitation
Pre-requisite: MAT 20
Co-requisite: MAT 30
The student will apply the laws of motion to the solution of problems in mechanics. The student will recognize or state the definition of force, momentum, work and energy, and the corresponding concepts of the kinetic theory of matter, and solve simple and practical problems related to heat. Offered in English only. |
PHY 120 |
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/3-hrs. lab/1-hrs. recitation
Pre-requisite: PHY 110
The student will explain the principles of electrostatics, simple direct current circuitry, and the practical generation and properties of alternating current. The student will solve problems involving electro-magnetic waves and optics and state or recognize terms related to the atomic quantum theory. The student will also correlate the failure of the classical theory with the emergency of quantum concepts, explain or recognize terms related to the atomic and nuclear theory of matter, and perform simple radioactivity experiments. The student will give a descriptive account of contemporary physics. Offered in English only. |
PHY 210 |
course syllabus (pdf format)
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/2-hrs. lab/2-hrs. recitation |
Pre-requisite: MAT 220, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Co-requisite: MAT 220 ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Reserved for Associate in Science (39), Forensic Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Majors
Students will study vectors, Newton's Laws and their application to one-and two-dimensional motion, work and energy, momentum, collisions, torque, angular momentum, periodic motion, fluids, heat and thermodynamics processes. This course is intended for students preparing for careers in the sciences and engineering. |
PHY 220 |
GENERAL PHYSICS II (formerly PHY 4504)
course syllabus (pdf format)
4 credits, 3-hrs. lecture/2-hrs. lab/2-hrs. recitation |
Pre-requisite: MAT 310, PHY 210, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Co-requisite: MAT 310, ESL 91/93 or higher, OR
ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Reserved for Associate in Science (39), Forensic Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Majors
Students will study waves and acoustics, optics, diffraction, electricity, D.C. circuits, magnetism, electromagnetism and their application, power and A.C. circuits. This course is intended for students preparing for careers in the sciences and engineering. |
PHY 299 |
3 credits, 3 hours |
Pre-requisite: CHE 220 and PHY 220 with a minimum grade of B
Pre/Co-requisite: MAT 310
This course is designed to help students study particular topics of interest in the Physical sciences while developing advanced research skills fundamental in planning and carrying out an independent scientific research project. Students will conduct laboratory, field research or library research using sophisticated methodology, equipment and techniques to obtain and analyze data. The research findings will be presented using oral and written papers. |