Office Number: C- 511M
Office Tel: 718-664-2529
Courses Teaching:
BIO210 General Biology I
BIO230 Anatomy and Physiology
Areas of Expertise:
Behavioral Neuroscience and Microanatomy of the Cerebral Cortex
Areas of interest:
Molecular mechanism of memory, Animal behavior, Science education, Neurodegenerative diseases.
- Ye X, Kapeller-Libermann D, Travaglia A, Inda MC, Alberini CM. Direct dorsal hippocampal-prelimbic cortex connections strengthen fear memories. Nature Neuroscience. 2017 Jan;20(1):52-61. PMID: 27869801
- Inda MC, Bolaender A, Wang T, Gandu S, KorenIII J. Stressing Out Hsp90 in Neurotoxic Proteinopathies. Journal of Cell Biol. 2016 Jul 18;214(2):181-95. PMID: 27072699
- Inda MC, Muravieva EV, Alberini CM. Memory Retrieval and the Passage of Time: From Reconsolidation and Strengthening to Extinction. Journal of Neuroscience 2011. Feb 2;31(5):1635-43. PMID: 21289172
- Inda MC, Defelipe J, Muñoz A. Morphology and Distribution of Chandelier Cell Axon Terminals in the Mouse Cerebral Cortex and Claustroamygdaloid Complex. Cerebral Cortex. 2009 Jan;19(1):41-54. PMID: 18440949
- Fontán-Lozano A, Sáez-Cassanelli JL, Inda MC, de los Santos-Arteaga M, Sierra-Domínguez SA, López-Lluch G, Delgado-García JM, Carrión AM. Caloric restriction increases learning consolidation and facilitates synaptic plasticity through mechanisms dependent on NR2B subunits of the NMDA receptor. Journal of Neuroscience. 2007 Sep 19;27(38):10185-95. PMID: 17881524
- Inda MC., Defelipe J., Munoz A. The Distribution of Chandelier Cell Axon Terminals that Express the GABA Plasma Membrane Transporter GAT-1 in the Human Neocortex. Cerebral Cortex. 2007 Sep;17(9):2060-71. PMID: 17099065
- DeFelipe J., Ballesteros-Yañez I., Inda MC., Muñoz A Double bouquet cells in the monkey and human cerebral cortex with special reference to areas 17 and 18. Progress in Brain Research 2006; 154:15-32. PMID: 17010701
- Inda MC., DeFelipe J., Muñoz A. Voltage-gated ion channels in the axon initial segment of human cortical pyramidal cells and their relationship with chandelier cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 2006. Feb 21; 103(8): 2920-5 PMID: 16473933
- Inda MC., Delgado-Garcia JM., Carrion AM. Acquisition, consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction of eyelid conditioning responses require de novo protein synthesis. Journal of Neuroscience. 2005 Feb 23;25(8):2070-80. PMID: 15728847
- Inda MC, Donnelly S, Nunez Rodriguez N, Tomita T, Steidle E. The American Society for Cell Biology. Engaging community college students in an inquiry-based learning experience using NIH IRACDA postdocs expertise. Philadelphia, 2017.
- Inda MC. , Koren III J, Bolaender P, Panchal P., Gandu S., Chiosis. G. Alzheimer's Association International Conference. Hsp90 inhibition rescue behavioral deficits and reduce tau phosphorylation in PS19 mice model for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Washington DC, 2015.
- Inda MC, Koren III J, Riolo M, Uddin M, Ochiana S, Bolaender A, Alonso-Sabadell R, Chiosis G. Alzheimer’s Disease Meeting. From Fundamental Insight to Lights at the End of the Translational Tunnel (Q8). Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Hsp90 inhibition as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, Keystone, Colorado, 2014
- Ye X, Inda MC, Humala N, Alberini CM. Annual meeting of SFN. Critical role for the hippocampus- prelimbic/infralimbic cortex-amygdala circuit in retrieval-mediated memory strengthening, Washington, 2014.
- Koren III J, Inda MC, Riolo M, Uddin M, Alonso-Sabadell R, Chiosis G. Alzheimer Association international conference. Blood-brain-barrier–permeable Hsp90 inhibitor reduces soluble tau burden in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Boston, 2013.
- Ye X, Inda MC, Pollonini G, Alberini CM. Annual meeting of SFN. Interactions of dorsal hippocampus with amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex mediate reactivation- induced memory strengthening, San Diego, 2013.
- Inda MC, Pattwel S, Elliott M, Lee FS. 8th Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS). Temporary suppression of conditioned fear memories across development. Barcelona, 2012.
- Ye X, Inda MC, Alberini C. Annual meeting of SFN. Circuitry and cellular mechanisms underlying memory enhancement produced by memory reactivation, New Orleans, 2012.
Awards and Grants
- Awarded with The American Society for Cell biology (ASCB) linkage fellow- Grant, 2017.
- Research award from the Neuroscience Institute Federico Olóritz for the work The Distribution of Chandelier Cell Axon Terminals that Express the GABA Plasma Membrane Transporter GAT-1 in the Human Neocortex, Granada, Spain, January 2010.
- Human Frontier Science Program long-term Fellowship, 2008.
- PhD Research Fellowship of Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain (FP2003-01018), Instituto Cajal (CSIC), 2004.
- Vice-president of alumni in PhD program of Neuroscience and Behaviour Biology, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), 2002-2004
- Keystone for participation on Keystone symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2014.
- Kings College of London, excellence travel award, 2012.
- Fellowship awarded from the International Brain Research Organization and the Federation (IBRO) of European Neuroscience for participation in the 6th Forum of Federation of European Neuroscience (FENS). 2008.
- Fellowship awarded from the Spanish Society for Neuroscience (SENC) for participation in the 12th Meeting of SENC. 2007.
- Fellowship awarded from the IBRO and the FENS for participation in the 5th FENS. 2006.
- Fellowship awarded from the FENS for participation in the 35th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SFN), 2005.
- Fellowship awarded from the SENC for participation in the 11th Meeting of SENC. 2005.
- Fellowship awarded from the IBRO for participation in the 4th FENS. 2004.
- Fellowship awarded from the European Research conferences (EURESCO) for participation in the EURESCO conference on Neural Mechanisms of Learning and Memory, 2004.
Professional affiliations:
- Spanish Society of Neuroscience (SENC) from 2003.
- Federation of European Neuroscience Society (FENS) from 2003.
- Society for Neuroscience (SFN), from 2006.
- Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) from 2008.
- New York Academy of Science (NYAS) from 2008.
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) from 2012.
- The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) from 2016