Office Number: A- 507N

Office Tel: 718 518 4142

Courses usually taught:

BIO210 General Biology I
BIO250 Botany of Food
BIO110/BIO111 Principles of Biology
BIO130/BIO131 Plants and Society

Areas of Expertise:

Biology, Plant anatomy and Ethnobotany, Botany, Arecaceae systematics, Structural botany.

Areas of Interest:

Phylogeny of palms based on seedlings anatomy. Phylogeny Geonoma. Ethnobotany of Caribbean medicinal plants. Science Education. Food Studies.


  • Henderson, F. Henderson, F. (2013) Leaf anatomy of the genus Leopoldinia (Arecaceae). The Journal of Torrey Botanical Society 140(3): 369-372.
  • Henderson, F., I. Vandebroek, M. J. Balick, E.J. Kennelly (2012) Ethnobotanical research skills for student of underrepresented minorities in STEM disciplines. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 10:389-402.
  • Henderson, F., N. Nunez-Rodriguez and W. Casari (2011) Enhancing Research Skills and Information Literacy in Science Students at Community College. The American Biology Teacher 72(5): 270-275.
  • Henderson F. (2011) Small Group Interactions and Cooperative Learning in Biology lab settings. Touchstone 4:59-62.
  • Henderson F. (2010) Creating venues for students interactions with the college community. Touchstone 3:19-22
  • Henderson F., J. Trachman, O. Steinberg, N. Nunez-Rodriguez, and Y. Rodriguez (2010) Carving a path to sustainability in Hostos Community College. Touchstone 3: 53-56.
  • Henderson F., Y. Rodríguez, and L. Pelicot. (2009) Hostos goes green: The recycling program. !Escriba!Write! 7: 79 - 80.
  • Ostrin, Z and F. Henderson (2009) Project Group Work in Biology. Touchstone 2: 59-64.
  • Henderson, A. and F. Henderson (2007) New Species of Calamus (Palmae) from Lao and Myanmar. Taiwania Vol. 52 (2), pp. 152-158.
  • Henderson, F. and D. Stevenson (2006) A phylogenetic study of Arecaceae based on seedling morphological and anatomical data. Aliso 22, pp. 251-264 in Monocots: Comparative Biology and Evolution (excluding Poales) C. Travis, E. Friar, M. Porter, L. Prince and M. Simpson, editors. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Allen Press.
  • Henderson F. (2006) Morphology and Anatomy of Palm Seedlings. The Botanical Review 72(4): 273-329
  • Hiranthi Jayasuriya, Kithsiri B. Herath, John G. Ondeyka, Ziqiang Guan, Robert P. Borris, Suroojnauth Tiwari, Wil de Jong, Flor Chávez*, Jeremy Moss, Dennis W. Stevenson, Hans T. Beck, Marc Slattery, Nelson Zamora, Marvin Schulman, Aisha Ali, Neelam Sharma, Karen MacNaul, Nancy Hayes, John G. Menke, and Sheo B. Singh (2005) Diterpenoid, Steroid, and Triterpenoid Agonists of Liver X Receptors from Diversified Terrestrial Plants and Marine Sources. Journal of Natural Products 68 (8): 1247-1252.
  • Chávez*, F. (2004) Tropaeolaceae. In Smith, N. S. Mori, A. Henderson, D. Stevenson & S. Heald (eds.) Flowering plant families of the American Tropics. Pages 379-380. Princeton University Press/New York Botanical Garden Press.
  • Chávez*, F. (2004) Plantaginaceae. In Smith, N. S. Mori, A. Henderson, D. Stevenson & S. Heald (eds.) Flowering plant families of the American Tropics. Pages 297-298. Princeton University Press/New York Botanical Garden.

* maiden name


  • Peterson, E., F. Henderson, J. Suarez & N. Nunez-Rodriguez (Poster) Enhancing General Biology for Science Majors Teaching and Learning at Hostos Community College by integrating undergraduate research into the curriculum. Presented at the 2014 IRACDA Conference, Elevating Science Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico. June 2014.
  • Henderson, F. (Presentation) Center for Teaching and Learning CTL New Faculty Orientation workshops: “Balancing Teaching and Research in Community College” Hostos CC. March 2014.
    Henderson, F. (Presentation) Botánica y Agricultura Metropolitana. Salon de Grados de la Facultad de Biologia. Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco. Peru. August 2013.
  • Suarez. J., F. Henderson, and N. Nunez-Rodriguez. (Poster) Implementing New Biology Labs for Minority Students: A Natural Mentoring Experience. Presented at the 2013 IRACDA Conference; Increasing Diversity in Science: Classroom to Bench. Emory University and Atlanta University Center, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2013.
  • Henderson, F., I. Vandebroek, M. Balick, and E. Kennelly. (Presentation) Botanical-Cultural Awareness in Urban Community College Students. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, St.; Louis, Missouri, August 2011.
  • N. Nunez-Rodriguez, F. Henderson, E. Zucker and A. Morales. (Presentation) Booming Transformation for South Bronx Students. Presented at the 7th General Education Conference: Journeying Through General Education. York College, Jamaica, New York. May 2011.
  • Henderson, F., J. Gillen (Poster) Teaching Botany In Urban Settings. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island. July 2010.
  • Henderson, F., N. Nunez-Rodriguez and W. Casari. (Presentation) Piloting GenEd Core Competencies in a Biology Course Sequence at Hostos Community College. Presented at the 6th Annual CUNY General Education Conference: Different Disciplines, Common Goals. Organized by Kingsborough Community College. May 2010.
  • Henderson, F., N. Nunez-Rodriguez, W. Casari. (Poster) General Education: Information Literacy in Science Curriculum. Presented at the Science Education for the 21st Century: Strategies For Success. Organized by Kingsborough Community College. CUNY Graduate Center, April 2010.
  • Natural Sciences Department. (Presentation). The Castl Seminar: Confronting The Hard Questions: What It takes to Teach and Learn at CUNY. Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY. October 2008.
  • Henderson, F. (Presentation) Techniques of Botanical Research, Lehman-Hostos Aspiring Teacher Academy and Learning and the Committee on Disability Issues. Hostos Community College. October 2008.
  • Kennelly, E., M. Balick, H. Stevens, F. Henderson, A. Keller. (Poster) Enhancing Plant Science Education in the Bronx: Training the Next Generation of Botanist to Protect US Natural Resources. Presented at the USDA meeting in Washington DC. September 2008.
  • Henderson, F. (Presentation) Challenges as Opportunities. Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning. March 2007.

Grants and Fellowships:

  • Henderson, F. DPDF-Diversity Project Development Fund. Traditional Plant Knowledge as a Bridge for Inter-Cultural and Inter-Generational Connection in Higher Education. (2014-2014)
  • Henderson, F. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program. Urban Botany and Urban Agriculture in New York City (2013-2014)
  • Henderson, F. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program. Anatomy of Geonoma (Arecaceae) leaves. (2010 – 2011)
  • E. Kennelly. (PI), J. Maatay, Lehman College; J. Miller, M. Balick, F. Henderson, Hostos Community College; Keith Clancy. USDA/CSREES Hispanic-serving Institutions Education Grants Program. Enhancing Science Education for an Underrepresented Community of Students: Using Economic Botany to Expand Science Training in The Bronx (2009-2011)
  • Nunez-Rodriguez, N. (PI), A. Morales, D. Dais, and F. Henderson. Diversity Projects Development Fund – CUNY. Educating the South Bronx Community by Merging the Arts and the Environment. (2007-2008).
  • Nunez-Rodriguez, N. (PI), F. Henderson, S. Botello and V. Ovtcharenko. Diversity Projects Development Fund – CUNY. Laying a Scientific Bridge from the South Bronx. (2006-2007)
  • Henderson. F (PI), M. Balick (New York Botanical Garden), E. Kennelly (Lehman College) CUNY Community Collaborative Incentive Grant. A comparative survey of Dominican medicinal plants in New York City and the Dominican Republic with an analysis of their antioxidant activity. (2005-2006
  • Henderson. F. PSC-CUNY Award Renewal Program Anatomical Study of Palm Embryos and Leaf Plication Patterns. (2005-2006)
  • Henderson. F. PSC CUNY Research Award Program. Anatomical Study of Palm Embryos. (2004-2005)

Professional Affiliations:

  • The Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society
  • National Association of Biology Teachers
  • Botanical Society of America
  • International Palm Society
  • Society for Economic Botany
  • The New York Botanical Garden, Associated Researcher


CUNY Research Newsletter: Faculty Spotlight (2010)
Breaking Boundaries in Science Research – CUNY Poster (2010)