Personnel and Budget Overview Faculty reappointment, promotion and fellowship leave occur at the discretion of the president who receives recommendations for action from the College-Wide Personnel and Budget (CW P&B) Committee. The CW P&B Committee members include the president, provost, vice president for administration and finance, vice president for student development and enrollment management, academic chairpersons, labor designee and four at large member. Applications for reappointment, promotion and fellowship leave are only presented to the College-Wide P&B Committee after department P&B Committee approval. Department P&B Committee members are selected via department elections. In order to be eligible for reappointment and promotion, faculty must demonstrate effective teaching, active scholarship and service to the college. Fellowship leave is determined according to the academic merit of the proposed activity and the needs of the department. Revised. 10.1.2024. Fall 2024 CW P&B Schedule Portfolio Resources Tenure-track faculty and lecturers submit a teaching portfolio each year to be considered for reappointment, promotion and tenure. Each department has set guidelines for successful applications. Faculty should access the Guidelines for Faculty Evaluation below and speak with their department chair, coordinators, and mentors for additional information regarding appointment, promotion and tenure. Guidelines for Faculty Evaluation, Reappointment,Tenure CUNY Curriculum Vitae Template CUNY CV (Word Version) Faculty Activity Report Procedures for Updating Teaching Portfolios Faculty Evaluation Conference (annual) Fillable Form Beware of Predatory Journals Peer Observation Each semester tenure-track and part-time faculty are observed in accordance with Article 18.2 and the Memorandum of Agreement 2019 of the Professional Staff Congress/CUNY Agreement. The link below includes the Notice of Conference, Post-evaluation Conference and Observation Evaluation Form. Observations are normally conducted between the fourth and tenth week of the semester. Faculty should consult with department leaders for more details. Classroom Observation Form- Effective 9/18/20 Steps for Completing the Observation Form Online In Firefox, download the form to your computer by clicking the download icon. Open it using Adobe Reader and fill it out. In Google Chrome, it opens on the web, fill it out. To save the form with the data, point to the print icon and change the name of the printer to "Safe As PDF". Then click on Save and follow the instructions. Or you can download it first by clicking the download icon and opening it and filling it out. In Internet Explorer and Edge, it opens on the web, fill it out. To save the form with the data, point to the Save icon and follow the instructions. Or you can download it first and opening it and filling it out. In Microsoft Edge, it opens on the web, fill it out. To save the form with the data, point to the Save icon and follow the instructions. Or you can download it first and opening it and filling it out. In Safari, it opens on the web, fill it out. To save the form with the data, click on File and select Save As and provide a name on the window that opens. Finally, click on Save. Or you can download it first by clicking on File and selecting Save As and providing a name on the window that opens. Then opening it and filling it out. The Hostos Faculty Observation Handbook was developed by the Peer Observation Improvement Network for Teaching (POINT) committee to provide guidance on the process of conducting a classroom observation and the use of the current classroom observation form. For more information and resources about using the form, click here. Applications for Promotion, Fellowship, and Emeritus Status Application for Promotion Fellowship Application Application for Professor Emeritus