1. What is the Internship Program at Hostos? |
The Perkins funded student field experience supports are designed to provide students with Career Readiness nd professional development programs in preparation for field experience/internship opportunities related to major or career goals.
2. What academic programs participate in the Internship program? |
Participating students include: Education, Office Technology, Accounting, Business Management, Community Health, and Public Interest Paralegal Studies.
3. What are the benefits to employers? |
- Cost-effective and efficient means of evaluating prospective future employees' potential.
- Company exposure and recognition.
4. My company hires interns. Can I recruit for these positions through your program? |
Yes. If you recruit through our program, we ask that you support the academic goals or environment by supervising and evaluating student.
5. When are students available for internships? |
Internships are coordinated with Hostos academic semesters. Work terms usually begin in February, June or September.
6. How long is an internship placement? |
Students are usually available to intern for one semester. The student and employer may agree to extend placement beyond these dates.
7. Are all students paid for internships? |
Most students are paid during the internship placement. The employer establishes rate of pay or stipend in consultation with the Career Services Office. Employers are encouraged to pay a fair and equitable wage for the work performed. If you would like more information on establishing a pay scale, please feel free to contact Career Services.
8. What is the employer's commitment to accept an intern? |
Employers will interview and make the final decision on students, but are not obligated to take on interns if they feel no candidate is suitable for their needs. We will strive to provide you with a solid pool of candidates for your posted positions.
9. Is the recruitment process time consuming? |
The recruitment process requires only a small time commitment. To get started, please contact Career Services.
10. When is the deadline to advertise a position? |
Employers are encouraged to post internship descriptions one semester in advance.
11. What kind of tasks will students perform? |
Employers are encouraged to provide relevant learning experience and integrate work assignments that blend academic requirements with company goals.
12. Can I accept more than one student intern per term? |
Yes, there is no limit on how many interns you may hire. We have many qualified students in participating majors.
13. Can I contact students directly to inform them of an interview? |
Yes, you may contact students directly.
14. What do I do once I have selected a student? |
Complete the Learning Agreement and forms provided by student/career services.
15. Who should I contact if problems with student placement arise? |
Employers are urged to contact the Faculty teaching the course and/or Career Services if any problems with student placement or performance arise.
16. I’m not ready for an internship, but I have part-time/full-time job positionsavailable.
Is there any way I can post these positions for students to view? |
Yes, post opportunities on Handshake. Employers | Handshake (joinhandshake.com)