HEAT Team Presentations
Rodríguez Y, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C, and Varelas A. Combining Financial
Support, Faculty and Peer Mentoring to Enhance Engineering Students' Academic and Professional Performance at a Minority-Serving Institution – The NSF S-STEM HEAT Program at Hostos Community College. Understanding Interventions 2020 Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 13 – 15, 2020 (Postponed). Virtual Understanding Interventions 2020 Conference, December 11 – 12, 2020. (Poster Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, and Nieto-Wire C. Engineering Student Perceptions of Combined Faculty and Peer Academic Performance. The Virtual 13th Annual Mentoring Conference. The Mentoring Institute. The University of New Mexico. October 19 – 22, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Angulo N, Varelas A. Walser A, Nuñez-Rodríguez, N. Enhancing Hispanic Engineering Education through a Successful Community-Senior College Partnership. Virtual HACU’s 34th Annual Conference. October 26 – 29, 2020. (Workshop / Oral Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, and Nieto-Wire C., DePass A. L. HEAT – The Hostos Engineering Academic Talent Scholarship Program. AAAS | 2021 Virtual S-STEM Fall Forum. November 30 and October 1, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
Yoel Rodríguez, CUNY Hostos Community College; Michelle Van Noy, Rutgers University; Xueli Wang, University of Wisconsin; Mike Davis, DUE program director; Connie Della-Piana, DUE program director. Academic Pathways: Examining Successful Student Transfer and Student Supports. AAAS | 2021 Virtual S-STEM Fall Forum | Parallel Workshops. Friday, October 1, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C., Walser, A., and DePass A. L. Leveraging Resources and Partnerships: Model for Community College Engineering Education. Virtual HACU’s 35th Annual Conference. October 25 – 27, 2021. (Workshop / Oral Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C., and DePass A. L. Increasing HSI Community College Engineering Students Success: Non-Cognitive Outcome Relationships with Financial Support and Mentoring. Virtual Understanding Interventions 2021 Conference. July 8 – 10, 2021. (Symposium Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C, and DePass A. L. The Hostos Engineering Academic Talent (HEAT) Scholarship Program: An Educational Model to Enhance Socio-Economic Mobility for Community College Students. ASEE Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN, on June 26 – 29, 2022. (Poster Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C, and DePass A. L. The Hostos Engineering Academic Talent (HEAT) Scholarship Program: An Educational Model to Enhance Socio-Economic Mobility for Community College Students. ASEE Annual Conference. 2022; Paper ID #38361.
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C, and DePass A. L. Combined Faculty and Peer Mentoring During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Model, Strategies, and Promising Practices. The 21st Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 3 – 6, 2023. (Poster Presentation)
Rodríguez Y, Varelas A, Angulo N, Nieto-Wire C, and DePass A. L. Enhancing Engineering Education at an HSI Through a Successful Combined Financial and Mentorship Program. HSI Conference: Promoting Servingness across CUNY HSIs, CUNY City Tech, May 4 – 5, 2023. (Poster Presentation)
Rodríguez Y., Varelas A., Angulo N., Nieto-Wire, C., DePass A. Advancing Engineering Education Through a Combined Financial and Mentorship Program. 2023 Understanding Interventions Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 25 – 26, 2023. (Poster Presentation)
Rodríguez Y., Varelas A., Angulo N., Nieto-Wire, C., DePass A. Improving Engineering Students' Outcomes via Multiple Forms of Mentorship. 2023 Mentoring Conference, The University of New Mexico, Mentoring Institute, Albuquerque, NM, October 23 – 27, 2023.
Rodríguez Y., Angulo N. Enhancing Teamwork and Collaboration Skills for Success in Today’s STEM World. 2023 S-STEM Scholars Meeting. Washington, DC, September 14 – 16, 2023 (Varelas, A. assisted in the preparation of the workshop). (Workshop) |