How do I get around Hostos?
Use this link to find out which offices are located in each campus building.
How do I access the campus buildings?
Use your Hostos identification card to access all of the Hostos buildings.
Where do I go and what proof do I need to show to get my Hostos ID card?
The ID Room is located in office B-C42A, basement B building, 500 Grand Concourse. The office hours are 9:00AM to 4:45PM, Monday-Thursday. The office always closes from 2PM to 3PM. The schedule is always posted in front of the ID Room. When extended hours are confirmed, an announcement will be sent to Hostos email.
New students need an official ID (City, State, Federal, local or foreign passport/documents, other school IDs or any document with picture and name). Also, students can provide their EMPL Id number to the ID Clerk if there is any conflict with their identification.
What is financial aid and how do I know if I can apply?
Financial Aid is any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help a student meet his/her college expenses. For more information about aid and grants that you may be eligible for click here.
Where can I find out about scholarships?
The Hostos Scholarship Office and the online scholarship management system provides all currently enrolled Hostos students access to a myriad of need-and-merit based scholarships. The system is user friendly and matches you automatically with scholarships within your eligibility by using your GPA, course of study and the information you provide.
Where can I get help when I feel stressed?
The Health & Wellness Center and the Counseling Center welcome anyone looking for self-care resources and support.
How can I find my advisor?
Students who have been assigned an advisor can find that information in their Hostos Navigate 360 account. The login link is available on the Hostos homepage on the Login To drop down menu.
Where can I go to find tutoring?
There are several offices and programs that offer tutoring including the Hostos Academic Learning Center and the Writing Center. More details about tutoring services on campus are available online.
How do I access the library?
The Library is located in the A building (475 Grand Concourse). There are in person and virtual services. Find out more information online.
Where do I go to learn more about undergraduate research programs?
There are various opportunities to participate in undergraduate research projects both inside and outside of the classroom. Find out more information here.
How can I learn more about clubs, organizations and other campus life activities?
Enrolled students can join student clubs and organizations, take advantage of student leadership opportunities, and participate in student and volunteer activities, both, on and off campus.
What technologies do I need to use as a Hostos student and how do I claim my accounts?
Use this link to find instructions about accessing your CUNYfirst, Bright Space, Hostos email, online bookstore, and Hostos Navigate accounts. There is also information about accessing the virtual Hostos library, finding technology around campus, and more.