Title V 2014-2019

The Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program provides grants to assist HSIs to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the attainment of, Hispanic students. These grants also enable HSIs to expand and enhance their academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability.

Title V Hispanic Serving Institutions Grant: Adelante

In October 2014, Hostos Community College received a five-year Title V grant totaling $2.5 million to increase student opportunities for success and to expand professional development opportunities for faculty through curriculum development and research.
The grant supports various Hostos’ strategic plan goals, which focus on remedial and developmental student needs, first year student success, teaching and learning supports and leadership development for students and faculty as well as an increase in student performance, retention and completion rates.

For the next five years (2014-2019), Title V will provide access to a greater number of Hostos students to participate in Developmental Skils Workshops, Supplemental Instruction, Small Group Tutorials and Research. Opportunities for faculty to expand their knowldege and skills throough professional development activities that include curriculum development, research and conference grants are also a major focus of this grant.