Eligibility: Full-time faculty members and full-time lectures who have been employed at Hostos Community College for at least three years, and adjunct faculty with ten or more semesters of teaching at Hostos are eligible for the award. Previous recipients of the award are ineligible for nomination for a period of five years following their award. Nomination Sources: Nominations can be made by faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Self-nominations are notaccepted. Nomination Period: The nomination period opens on March 1st and closes on April 1st each year. Submission Requirements: Nominators must submit a completed nomination form available on the Hostos Community College website. The form requires the nominator's information, the nominee's information, and a detailed statement (not exceeding 500 words) explaining why the nominee deserves the award. The statement should specifically address the criteria for the award. Supporting Documents: Nominators are encouraged to submit supporting documents that provide evidence of the nominee's teaching excellence. These can include student evaluations, peer observation reports, examples of student work, and other relevant materials.