“Responsible Employees” at Hostos are required to report any potential instances of discrimination, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, intimate partner violence and stalking to Philip Oliveri, Esq, the Title IX Coordinator, POLIVERI@hostos.cuny.edu.
As part of CUNY’s ongoing training and prevention efforts, all Responsible Employees are required to receive training. For additional information on Responsible Employees see the FAQs.
As a reminder, all members of our community are strongly encouraged to report acts of sexual misconduct, however it is the responsible employees who are mandated to make these reports. If you have any questions regarding this distinction or any other related questions, please contact OCD@hostos.cuny.edu.
All members of Hostos Community College (“Hostos”) should be familiar with The City University of New York’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct (“SMP”) and its designation of certain faculty and staff in our community as “responsible employees.” Responsible employees are required to report all allegations of sexual misconduct, including all relevant details, to the Title IX Coordinator. Managers and supervisors at Hostos are accountable for enforcing the SMP and that the proper reporting procedures are being followed.

Who Are Title IX “Responsible Employees,” and What Is Their Role?
Responsible employees designated at Hostos are as follows:
- College Title IX Coordinator and staff of OCD
- Office of Public Safety employees
- VP of Student Affairs, Dean of Students and all staff in SDEM.
- Directors and Deputy Directors in Human Resources
- College President, VPs and Deans
- Athletics staff
- Department Chairs
- College Attorney/Labor Designee and their staff
- Faculty and staff members when leading or supervising students on off-campus trips
- International education liaisons/study abroad campus directors and field directors
- College childcare center staff
- Managers/supervisors, when the alleged sexual misconduct involves people who report to them.
Responsible Employees are required to report allegations of Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator but will protect an individual’s privacy to the greatest extent possible and share information with other staff only on a need-to-know basis. Individuals designated as responsible employees have a duty to report allegations of Sexual Misconduct. They are not permitted to maintain a complainant’s confidentiality, but will maintain a complainant’s privacy to the greatest extent possible. Information reported to them will be shared only with the Title IX Coordinator and other people responsible for handling the college’s response.
To the extent possible, before a complainant reveals any information to a responsible employee, the employee should advise the complainant of the employee’s reporting obligations—and if the complainant wants to maintain confidentiality, direct the complainant to confidential resources.
All other employees are strongly encouraged to report sexual misconduct, unless they are specifically designated as confidential employees. Confidential employees have an obligation to maintain a complainant’s confidentiality regarding allegations of sexual misconduct and will not share any identifying information with others, except as required by law in emergency circumstances.