Checking your Pell status
- Go to
- Log in with your FSA ID
- When your information is validated, you will be presented with the status page which will indicate if your application is “processing” or “processed”. If your application is processed, you may view your status by scrolling down and clicking the “Student Aid Report” link.

Checking Your Financial Aid Awards through CUNYfirst website
You can view your financial aid package on the Student Center page in CUNYfirst which can be accessed through the college's website by following these steps:
- Sign in to your CUNYfirst account
- Click on the Student Center navigation tile
- Click on the Financial Aid navigation tile
- Select 2023-2024 Financial Aid Year Hostos Community College
- Click on Summary under Financial Aid Summary to view your Financial Aid Award Information for the 2023-2024 terms
You can also view your scheduled disbursements by clicking
Awards in the menu and then clicking on
- Sign in to your CUNYfirst account
- Click on the Student Center navigation tile
- Click on Tasks and Holds and view your "to-do" lists. The “to do list” will show you if there are any other required items/steps needed to complete your Financial Aid process. If you have any items listed on your to do list, click on the to do list item to view Task Details. Each to do item will have its own clickable link which will give you further instructions.
NOTE: If you see “
Verify my FAFSA” listed, please review the Verify My FAFSA "To Do List" item for your college of enrollment and click the link to access the CUNY Financial Aid Student Forms Portal.
If you do not have any items on your “to do list”, go back to your Student Center page and click on the Financial Aid tile.
- Select 2023-2024 Financial Aid Year Hostos Community College if you wish to view awards for the Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 academic year.
- Click on Summary under Financial Aid Summary to view your Financial Aid Award Information for the 2023-2024 terms
- You can also view your scheduled disbursements by clicking Awards in the menu and then clicking on Disbursements.
NOTE: If you have not yet enrolled in courses for the semester you are viewing, the awards displayed will represent
full-time enrollment. To view your calculated awards as a part-time student, locate your EFC# by clicking on:
- Financial Aid Summary, and Expected Family Contribution (EFC) #.
- Go to the Hostos Financial Aid "printable forms" section of the webpage and search for the “2023-2024 Pell Award Chart
- Locate the range of your EFC# then move to the right until you match the column matching your enrollment status. The intersecting box will reveal your Pell award per semester.
To see what Financial Aid Awards will be applied to your tuition, go back to your Student Center page and click on the Financial Account tile.
- Go to the account Activity
- View “Account Inquiry” Tab within Account Activity
- “Outstanding Charges” = Tuition
- “Pending Financial Aid” = Awards being used towards your balance
- “Total Due” = Your balance (a blank space or no amount indicates there is no balance)
NOTE: Payments are made to your account during the semester you are enrolled in and after verification of your attendance. Funds may be disbursed in one or more payments. You can track the payments made to your account by clicking on the “Activity” tab. Make sure you are viewing the correct term/semester.
To complete a “Supplement Form:”
- Go to the Financial Aid tile and click on “Supplement Form”
- For Institution: Click on the magnifying glass (Under “search results”) select the Academic institution you will attend. For Hostos, you may also enter “HOS01” in the box.
- For Aid Year: Click on the magnifying glass (Under “search results”) select the Academic Year you will attend (2024 represents the Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 academic year). Complete the displayed online form, answer the questions that apply to you and your parents if you are a dependent student and click on “submit”.
If you want to request a
direct loan for the award year, you must complete the
Direct Loan Processing Form. Additional requirements to request a direct loan can be viewed on our website at:
Federal Direct Loans (FDL). The following steps provide instructions on how to access the Direct Loan Processing Form in CUNYfirst.
- Sign in to your CUNYfirst account
- Click on the Student Center navigation tile
- Click on the Financial Aid navigation tile
- Click on Direct Loan Processing Form in the menu
- Enter HOS01 for Institution and 2024 for aid year.
- Review the 2023-2024 CUNYFIRST DIRECT LOAN REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS carefully on CUNYfirst.
- For Institution: Click on the magnifying glass (Under “search results”) select the Academic institution you will attend. For Hostos, you may also enter “HOS01” in the box.
- For Aid Year: Click on the magnifying glass (Under “search results”) select the Academic Year you will attend (2024 represents the Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 academic year).
NOTE: Federal Work Study awards must be manually accepted to be received.
To accept the awards:
- Go to the Financial Aid tile
- Select 2023-2024 Financial Aid Year
- Click on Awards
- Click on Accept/Decline Awards
- Submit and Confirm
The student is responsible for the tuition amount that is not covered by Financial Aid. Allow at least 48 business hours after enrolling courses for the Financial Awards to be calculated.
Checking your TAP status through HESC website
- Go to
- Click on “Student Access”
- Log in by entering your personal information
- Review/Change your TAP information
- After confirming your email information, click on “continue”
- Select the appropriate academic year and click on “View TAP Award Status”
Make sure to read the comments about your information.