At Hostos, annual and periodic assessment of student learning and institutional effectiveness is conducted by the faculty and staff, and supported by a committee infrastructure. This includes: an Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC), which reviews and reports on assessment college-wide and three assessment committees charged with supporting and guiding assessment of general education outcomes, academic program outcomes and AES (administrative and educational support) outcomes.
The AES Assessment Committee (AESAC) manages, supports, and improves AES assessment processes at Hostos (the Annual Planning and Assessment Reporting Process and the newly redesigned AES Program Reflection Process) by ensuring that the capacity, knowledge, and perspectives for doing so is rooted in a cross-divisional group.
The Degree Program Assessment Committee's (DPAC) main purpose is to provide support, guidance, and assistance of the assessment process to program coordinators for all of the academic degree programs throughout the college that undergo annual assessment and periodic assessment processes
The General Education Pathways Assessment Committee (GEPAC) provides support, guidance, and assistance of the assessment process to faculty responsible for the general education courses that are included in the CUNY Pathways initiative.
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) provides oversight to ensure the integrity of Hostos institutional effectiveness and student learning assessment processes, and reports annually on the assessment of assessment. The IEC also contributes to assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). The three assessment committees (AESAC, DPAC, and GEPAC) are represented on the IEC.
This systematic, college-wide approach reflects an evolution of practice driven by institutional commitments to continuous improvement, and to the implementation of best practices. True to Hostos, assessment engages faculty and staff at granular and meta levels and prioritizes professional development and sustained support in the name of serving our students, and ensuring we deliver on our commitments to them.