Periodic assessment is a deeper dive opportunity for Administrative and Educational Support (AES) units to holistically unpack learnings about their unit; an opportunity to reflect on and discuss key information about a unit and make informed future plans and decisions to help a unit continuously improve outcomes. Hostos Community College has a longstanding history of systematic periodic assessment dating back to 2013 when the college unveiled its first ever Institutional Assessment Plan. That initial process was then updated in 2016. This former process for periodic assessment (previously called Non-Academic Program Review) has recently been redesigned and reintroduced. More info below. AES Periodic Review (AES PR) Process Context Recently, the college unveiled and piloted a redesigned periodic assessment activity called the AES Periodic Review Process (AES PR). With the goals of pivoting away from the previous report- and administratively-focused process toward a more reflective, improvement-focused one; leveraging the college's annual planning and assessment reporting process; and making the outputs of the process more meaningful to AES units the new process has been shortened and re-structured to refocus this assessment on its most important aspect: reflection and discussion of data/information. Process / Timeline The new process is divided into four steps that are undertaken by AES units in a single semester (fall or spring), once every four years. A fall timeline is shown here. Step 1 - Review of previous years' annual reports (Aug- Sept) Step 2 - Development of draft template document based on assessment and reflection (Sept - Oct) Step 3 - External feedback conversation to revise template (Oct - Nov) Step 4 - Develop recommendations to be reviewed by division leader (Nov - Dec) Supports for AES PR Process Support Structure Throughout the AES PR process, units undergoing the process will be supported by several entities through the Fall semester that they’re engaged. Below is a summary of some of the ways each entity may support AES units throughout the process: Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Assessment (OIERA) Develop and communicate resources to support the AES PR process Provide training and support to unit, department, or program leadership undergoing AES PR Provide data guidance and support, as needed AES Assessment Committee (AESAC) Provide AES PR consultation to units as needed Collaborate with OIERA in offering AES PR workshops and resources Collectively problem solve any barriers to the process and develop solutions to improve the process for AES units AES PR Process Cohort Collectively brainstorm solutions to any potential roadblocks in the AES PR Process Share drafts, examples, and ideas with each other to help each other strengthen their AES PR Process Act as an additional resource to call upon and share challenges and successes with each other, thereby creating community Cohort Model To maximize the reflection, learning, and improvement to come out of the AES PR process, a cohort model of support has been designed; units undertaking this process in a given semester are "enrolled" in a cohort where they are guided through the process via a series of cohort meetings (with clear objectives) and customized supports.