General Education Program Assessment

General education at Hostos Community College offers a holistic program to students that provides an academic bridge to social mobility. Hostos students develop general education knowledge and skills consistent with the institution's mission, which is grounded in a commitment to social justice and activist roots. The General Education program itself is defined by CUNY's general education framework (Pathways) that establishes the requirements that all CUNY undergraduate students must satisfy. The acquisition of these skills and knowledge prepares them for the academic work required in their selected degree programs at Hostos, and furthermore, improves their socioeconomic mobility through preparation for further academic studies and/or careers.

Assessment of general education focuses on assessing the set of learning outcomes associated with each of the Pathways buckets (across both the Required Common Core and the Flexible Common Core) for the Hostos Pathways courses.

The faculty-led General Education Pathways Assessment Committee (GEPAC) supports the assessment process through facilitating communication and providing guidance to the departments and units across all three stages of assessment for the Pathways outcomes.