October 9 - Guest Lecture: Alaí Reyes-Santos, “Reading Hostos in the Twenty-First Century: Belonging, Family, and Antillean Kinship in Exile,” Savoy MPR, 2:00-4:30 pm.
As the first event this fall for the 175th Anniversary Celebration of the birth of Eugenio María de Hostos, Hostos Community College is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Alaí Reyes-Santos. Dr. Reyes-Santos, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Oregon, and author of the forthcoming book Our Caribbean Kin: Race and Nation in the Neoliberal Antilles (Rutgers University Press, 2014), will deliver a lecture titled “Reading Hostos in the Twenty First Century: Belonging, Family, and Antillean Kinship.” In her talk, Dr. Reyes-Santos will discuss the importance of continuing to read Hostos in the twenty first century. First, as a Puerto Rican pro-independence revolutionary, he was one of the proponents of the Antillean Confederation that has motivated caribeños as a political ideal since the nineteenth century. Second, his work in education in the Dominican Republic and Latin America, especially for the education of women, earned him accolades and disciples throughout the continent. But, what must not be missed is that his writings speak to the contemporary experiences of caribeños living far away from the islands, building families and communities with one another in places like New York City. Hostos prompts us to meditate on the kinds of kin relations we establish with one another as caribeños in the United States, while also being aware of our African, Spanish, and indigenous ancestry. What are the challenges we find trying to find common ground with other caribeños? Reading Hostos, Dr. Reyes-Santos suggests, along with his collaborator Dominican Gregorio Luperón, we may find answers to such questions.
October 21 - Guest Lecture: Antonio Martorell, “Artistic Representations of Eugenio María de Hostos,” Savoy MPR, 2:00-4:30 pm.
Eugenio María de Hostos is one of the most richly portrayed 19th-century intellectuals in contemporary Caribbean history. During his lifetime, only a handful of photographs were taken of Hostos, given his limited budget and nonconformity. But as he became a prominent educator, painters started to portray him: first in Chile in the 1890s, then in Santo Domingo in the early 1900s. The classical portrait of Hostos was painted by Puerto Rican artist Francisco Oller, in 1903, upon Hostos’s death. From that point on, Hostos’s artistic representations have become the mark of successive generations of artists from the Hispanic Caribbean. As his ideas were widely disseminated and gained traction throughout the 20th century, Hostos became an iconic figure that commanded the admiration of intellectuals and artists alike.
On Tuesday, October 21, as a continuation of the HOSTOS 175 Anniversary Celebration at Hostos Community College, Antonio Martorell, one of the most distinguished artists in the Hispanic world, will give an illustrated lecture on the rich portraiture and representations of Eugenio María de Hostos. In his talk, Maestro Martorell will explore the work of the major artists who have portrayed Hostos, their contexts, and the significant themes underlying their work.
Maestro Antonio Martorell was born and raised in Puerto Rico. His prolific work has received wide international acclaim. He is an accomplished graphic artist, set designer, installation master, narrator, university professor, and journalist. Martorell explores the conjunction of various forms of artistic expression and the relationship of art to the viewer using witty, powerful and engaging ways.
In 2006 Martorell was an artist in residence at Hostos Community College and created a permanent installation titled La plena inmortal, which can be seen in the foyer of the C Building at the College. In 2010 he participated in the New York Historical Society and Museo del Barrio’s joint exhibit Nueva York 1613-1945, with the installation La guagua aérea, which centers on the Puerto Rican immigrant experience. His most recent exhibit, IMALABRA, a retrospective of his work celebrating his 75th birthday, opened in April in Havana, Cuba, and has travelled to México City and Madrid.
To Be Announced – Debate: “The Annexation of Puerto Rico,” a debate organized by Jason Libfeld, featuring members of the Student Leadership Academy.
This is a a Public Forum Debate concentrating on the views of Eugenio Maria de Hostos regarding the value of sovereignty of the Puerto Rican people in light of the Treaty of Paris agreement and the then pending movement of the United States to implement autonomous authority over the island. A discussion of the concerns involving US statehood versus an end to the union through separate nationality will also be a part of the event.
November 13 – All-Day Events: “Eugenio María de Hostos: Academic and Artistic Interventions /Intervenciones Artísticas y Académicas” (Bilingual)
An all-day series of bilingual events commemorating Hostos’s 175th Anniversary and celebrating his legacy. The day’s events include:
11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Mesa redonda sobre el legado de Hostos /An academic panel on Hostos’s Legacy: Juan Valdez (Queens College), Josefina Toledo (independent researcher, Cuba), José López (Northeastern University of Illinois, Chicago), Sonia Ruiz (University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez), Ana López (Hostos C.C.), moderated by Orlando J. Hernández, Savoy MPR
2:00-3:15 p.m.: Hostos en las artes / Hostos in the Arts: A one-scene performance of the play “Young Hostos,” written by Michael Torres and produced and directed by Angel Morales; Discussion of paintings by Sonia Ruiz inspired by Hostos’s themes; and a bilingual Student Recital of Hostos’s Aphorisms, coordinated by Teresa Martínez and Rosa Velázquez - Black Box Theater - C151
3:30-4:45 p.m.: Música de la América de Hostos / Music from Eugenio María de Hostos’s Americas: A musical performance by Thelma Ithier-Sterling, soprano, Gilberto Pérez Lavastida, pianist. Hostos Repertory Theatre - Lounge of C Building. Free admission. Tickets can be obtained at the box office in the Lounge of C Building.
*Events will take place at Hostos Community College, 149th & Grand Concourse, in the Bronx. Directions: Subway 2,4,5 hasta la149th Street & Grand Concourse / Bus Bx # 1 o #19.
November 13 – Forum: “Voting Rights for Non-Citizens,” an event organized by Hector Soto and Citizens Union, Hostos Café, 6:30-9:00 p.m. (In English.)
Foro sobre “El derecho al voto para los no-ciudadanos”, una actividad organizada por Hector Soto y la Citizens Union. (En inglés.)
Eugenio Maria de Hostos believed in democracy. Moreover, he believed in government based on the will of the people. He opposed slavery as an affront to human dignity and equality. He believed in the social and political equality of women. He believed in the independence of Puerto Rico as an expression of democratic self-governance by its people. In this tradition, the HCC on Thursday, November 6, 2014 between 6:30 and 9 p.m., will co-sponsor a Town Hall meeting to explore the issue of non-citizen voting in New York City elections. A bill to allow certain non-citizen residents to vote in municipal elections is expected to be introduced for consideration by the NYC Council later during its current term making this activity a very timely event.
This Hostos Town Hall meeting for the college community and the public at large will be co-sponsored by Citizens Union, the renowned and most senior of NYC’s good government organizations. Presentations will be made concerning the history of non-citizen voting in the United States, the qualifications for voting, the potential impact of the non-citizen vote on New York City politics and the connection between citizenship and voting. Professor Howard Jordan will speak to the connection between the values and principles of Hostos and non-citizen voting as well as the prior NYC efforts to extend the voting privilege to non-citizens. Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions, provide commentary and engage in the kind of democratic and orderly civic discussion of which Hostos would be proud.
November 14 – Coloquio sobre Eugenio María de Hostos / Colloquium on Eugenio María de Hostos, Room B 501 (B Building), 9:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m (En español.)
Panel I: Hostos, humanista: 9:30-10:45 a.m. - B 501
Luisa Navarro (UASD): “Hostos universal”
Josefina Toledo (investigadora independiente, Cuba) “Hostos, el escritor humanista”
Orlando José Hernández (Hostos C.C.), “Eugenio María de Hostos o la razón imaginante”
Moderador: Pablo Guerra
Panel II: Hostos: educación, moral, epistemología: 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. -
B 506
Leonardo Díaz (UASD): “Actitud epistemológica, moral y educación en Hostos”
Juan Valdez (Queens College, CUNY): “A quien le pertenezca el Caribe: el discurso del progreso según Eugenio María de Hostos y Pedro Henríquez Ureña”
Juan Francisco Villoria Santos (UASD): “El Tratado de Lógica de Eugenio María de Hostos, en el contexto dominicano del S. XIX
Moderadora: Ana López
Panel III: Hostos y la mujer: 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. - B 501
Manuel Gil (UASD): “Hostos, precursor del feminismo”
Flérida Linares (UASD): “Hostos, visionario de la integración social de la mujer dominicana”
Sonia Ruiz (UPR, Mayagüez): “La educación de la mujer y la educación normalista en Chile: Sarmiento y Hostos”
Moderadora: Inmaculada Lara-Bonilla
Panel IV: Hostos y Santo Domingo: 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - B 511
Pedro Abreu (UASD): “Hostos: padre de la independencia educativa dominicana”
Esmeraldo Augusto Bravo (UASD), “Interpretación de las escuelas católica y hostosiana durante el siglo XIX en la República Dominicana”
Manuel Pérez Martínez (UASD): “Eugenio María de Hostos y Juan Bosch: la refundación de un país”
Moderador: Juan Valdez
Panel V: Hostos y la literatura: 2:00-3:15 p.m. - B 501
Jaime Mundo (SUNY at Albany), “La función del juego imaginativo y la fantasía en ‘En barco de papel’”
Pablo Guerra (CUNY Graduate Center), “Otra lectura del cuento ‘En barco de papel’, de Eugenio María de Hostos”
Moderador: David Cortés
Panel VI: Recursos para la investigación / Resources for Research: 3:30-4:00 p.m. - B 501
Alberto Hernández (Center for P.R.Studies, Hunter Coll.-CUNY)), “Colecciones y servicios que ofrece el Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños”
William Casari (Hostos C.C.), “Hostos Archives and Special Collections at Hostos Community College Library”
Plenaria y clausura del evento: 4:00-5:00 p.m. - B501
*El Coloquio será en el Edificio B, Hostos Community College, 149th y Grand Concourse, en el Bronx.
Como llegar a Hostos: Subway 2,4,5 hasta la149th Street & Grand Concourse / Bus Bx # 1 o #19.
November 15 - Hostos’s Route in NYC: A Walking Tour / La ruta de Hostos en Nueva York: un tour a pie (bilingual) 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Meeting place: Washington Square Park, Manhattan, in front of the Arch.
On Saturday 15 there will be a walking tour to the pleas where Hostos lived and worked in NYC that will end in Chinatown. Those interested should sign up at
ohernandez@hostos.cuny.edu and include your cell phone. Comfortable shoes, warm clothes and a good jacket is recommended. I
f it rains or if the weather is not good, this activity will be cancelled. Meeting Place: In front of the Arch, Washington Square Park, University Place, en el Village, en Manhattan. Trains A, C, D, E, F to West 4th Street Station, then walk on West 4th Street two blocks to Washington Square Park.
El sábado 15 se hará un tour a pie por los lugares donde vivió y trabajó Hostos en Nueva York, que terminará en Chinatown. Los interesados deben registrarse en el siguiente correo:
ohernandez@hostos.cuny.edu y su número de teléfono celular. Se recomienda que traigan zapatos de caminar, ropa cómoda y caliente y un buen abrigo.
Si llueve o hay tiempo inclemente, se cancelará esta actividad. Lugar de reunión: Frente al Arco de Washington Square Park, en el Village, Manhattan. Trenes: A, C, D, F hasta la estación deWest 4th Street y luego caminar en la calle 4 dos cuadras hacia el parque. Trenes N, W, o R: hasta la estación de 8th Street. Salir y en la Avda. Broadway caminar hacia el sur hasta Waverly Place, doblar a la derecha y caminar dos cuadras hasta Washington Square Park.
November 19 – Workshop: “Teaching with Visual and Primary Sources,” including Hostos primary resources, organized by Professors William Casari and Jorge Matos, A-214 (Library classroom), 3:30-5:00 pm.
This workshop for faculty will focus on how to engage students with visual and primary sources. The workshop will include a primary source presentation of images and documents from the Hostos Archives. Visual databases will also be highlighted. From newspaper articles to photographs, primary sources provide a thoughtful way to engage students in active learning. Best practices feedback from Hostos professors who have used primary sources in the classroom will also be presented.
Scheduled Dates for “Young Hostos” Play in C 151-
Nov. 20 - 7:00 pm
Nov. 21 - 7:00 pm
Nov. 26 - 12:30 pm
Dec. 3 - 2:00 pm
Dec. 4 - 12:30 pm
Dec. 5 - 7:00 pm
December 1 – Student Essay Contest: Deadline for submissions is December 1. Click here for sources.
for sources.
December 8 – Workshop: “Teaching Hostos at Hostos,” a workshop for faculty who teach Hostos material, Behavioral & Social Sciences Conference Room (enter through B 328), 3:30-5:00 pm.
December 10 – “Hostos and the Human Rights Struggle of Yesterday and Today,” a presentation by Prof. Ana López and Mr. Luis Rosa (Boricua Human Rights Network), C-391, 3:30-5:00 pm.
Professor Ana M. Lopez will address Hostos' development in the context of 19th Century human rights ideology and struggle. Former Puerto Rican political prisoner Luis Rosa, from the Boricua Human Rights Network, will be the Guest Speaker. The short video "The Last Prisoner" will also be shown. This event is sponsored by the Puerto Rican Student Organization in collaboration with Hostos175.
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