Students who have decided to apply for transfer to another college must contact that institution and comply with the requirements for admission set down by its administration. Students should arrange for an official transcript from Hostos to be sent in support of their application for admission. All questions concerning specific information should be directed to the Office of Admissions at the school in which the student wishes to enroll. Hostos students who contemplate such a transfer should arrange to see their college counselor to discuss the advisability of the transfer before making a final decision. Students should also see academic advisors or the College Transfer Coordinator in the Trasnfer Services Office for assistance in applying for transfer and preparing themselves for the process. It is necessary that all students transferring, with the exception of those who transfer upon graduation from Hostos, arrange for a leave of absence.
NOTE: On April 5, 1976, the Board of Higher Education passed the following resolution:
"RESOLVED, that students moving to the upper divisions of a four-year-college, either from the lower divisions of the college or from a community college within the University system or outside of it, must provide evidence in accordance with a standard to be determined by the Chancellor, that they have attained a level of proficiency in basic learning skills necessary to cope successfully with advanced work in the academic disciplines."