Citizens' Commendations
The Hostos Community College Public Safety Department welcomes recognition of Public Safety Peace Officers and Security Officers who have provided an exceptional level of service or who have carried out a commendable act. Officers are frequently asked to remain neutral and helpful in emotional, excited and/or tense situations. If you have had a positive interaction with a Hostos Public Safety Peace and/or Security Officer(s), please submit the information to us. We do not encourage anonymous submissions.
Citizens' Complaints
It is essential to the Public Safety Department that our community have confidence in us. In order to maintain integrity and efficiency, allegations of misconduct and/or inadequate service will be investigated thoroughly and expeditiously. The resolution of citizens' allegations and concerns in a fair and impartial manner will ensure that Service, Integrity and Pride remain the cornerstone of our Department. If you have experienced misconduct or inadequate service from a Public Safety Peace Officer(s) and/or Security Officer(s), please submit the information to us. Anonymous complaints will only be used to detect patterns of unaccepted behavior.
Other Methods of Reporting Complaints
Members of the College community who make service-related complaints concerning members of the Public Safety Service are encouraged to make such complaints to the Director of Public Safety or to any college official at the campus where the incident took place.
If the complainant feels that he/she would rather not contact the college, he/she may make the complaint directly to the Office of the University of Public Safety at (212) 541-0408. A member of the University Director's Public Safety staff will then be assigned to investigate the complaint and recommend appropriate action.