Requesting Services

The City University of New York (CUNY) has implemented its new student disability management system, CUNY Accommodate. This innovative platform is part of CUNY’s ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive, accessible and supportive environment for all students as outlined in the first goal of the University’s strategic plan, “Be a national leader in providing access to higher education for diverse populations of students.”

CUNY Accommodate streamlines the management of requests for accommodations and services that Disability Services Offices (DSOs) provide on every campus. Accommodate simplifies this process for students with disabilities who are new to the University and students transferring from one CUNY campus to another. CUNY Accommodate gives them an accessible, mobile-friendly platform to easily initiate the accommodation request process, schedule appointments with campus DSOs and access resources across CUNY. Faculty will use Accommodate to efficiently manage their students’ accommodations in collaboration with the DSOs, all in one space.

Accommodate Request Form – First Time Request for Services

To register with your campus Disability Services Office (DSO), students need to complete the Confidential Accommodation Request form. You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • General information (i.e., Name, CUNYfirst EMPL ID, and Email)
  • Disability
  • Accommodation(s) that you are requesting

The information provided by you will create an accommodation record within Accommodate.

Accommodate Request Form Registration

After clicking the link, carefully enter your personal information. All fields with an asterisk are required to submit the form. Provide a response to the following statement/question:

  • I had academic accommodations in HS or College
  • What is your disability?

Login to CUNY Accommodate (Appointments)

Visit the following link CUNY Accommodate to access CUNY Accommodate. After registering with your campus Disability Services Office (DSO), use your CUNY Single Sign On (SSO) credentials to login to the CUNY Accommodate system. These credentials (Username: are the same login you use to access CUNYfirst and Blackboard/Brightspace.

Accommodate Login

  1. Click on the Accommodate Login link.
  2. Select Student to identify the user type.
  3. Enter your CUNY username and password.
  4. Click on the Login button.

Student User Guide

Accommodate Student User Guide

Students who are interested in registering for services at the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) are encouraged to provide medical documentation to determine the best and most appropriate accommodations. For students diagnosed with a disability, prior documentation such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a history of receiving accommodations from a former school may also be considered when registering for services. If you cannot provide documentation for your disability you are not necessarily excluded from ARC services. Please speak with one of our staff members to schedule an intake and review your options.

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