Hostos Community College thanks you for your service to our country and strives to help all Veterans transition to Hostos. The Office of Veterans Affairs is dedicated to providing programs and services in support of the academic and personal success of servicemembers, student veterans, and dependents and survivors.

Hostos Office of Veterans Affairs (HOVA)

Ricardo Garcia, Veterans Coordinator and School Certifying Official
Telephone: (718) 319-7955
Email: Rgarcia@hostos.cuny.edu or veterans@hostos.cuny.edu 
HOVA works closely with many campus departments, please see our list of support offices for any inquiries.
Office of the Registrar
Email: RegistrarsOffice@hostos.cuny.edu
Telephone: (718) 518-6771
Financial Aid
Email: finaid@hostos.cuny.edu
Telephone: (718) 518-6555
Hugo Eguizabal, Financial Aid Specialist, Direct Loan Coordinator
Student Success Coaching Unit (SSCU)
Email:   SSCU@hostos.cuny.edu
Phone: (718) 664-2560
Career Services
E-mail: careerservices@hostos.cuny.edu
Phone: (718) 518-4468
Counseling Center
Email: infocounseling@hostos.cuny.edu
Phone: (718) 518-4461
Accessibility Resource Center (Disability Services)
Marina Esquilin, Veteran Disability Accommodation Specialist
Email: mesquilin@hostos.cuny.edu
Telephone: (718) 518-4356
Office of Student Life
Email: academicappeals@hostos.cuny.edu
Telephone: (718) 518-6557
Bursar’s Office
Email: bursarsoffice@hostos.cuny.edu
Telephone: (718) 518-4373