Below is a list of resources and guides about to help you obtain your career and higher education goals regardless of immigration status.
NYSYLC Non-Citizen’s Guide to Entrepenurship: Guide on working with various immigration status, opening a bank account, developing your credit score, taxes and independent contracting.
theDream.US Employment Rights with DACA and TPS: Resource to help you understand your employment rights with DACA/TPS and an Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
5 Tips to Get Started as an Independent Contractor/Freelancer: Explanation on entrepreneurship and resources to finance and market your own business.
Spark Entrepreneurship Hub for Immigrants: Interactive guide to starting your own business, nonprofit, or entrepreneurship. Website provide diverse examples of undocumented entrepreneurs in various fields.
PHD Dreamers: Resource and Community Support for undocumented students pursuing health-related professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, nursing, and research.
Dreamers in Tech: Skills building resources, professional network, and learning community for individuals interested in pursuing a high-skilled level jobs in tech.
NYSYLC Undocu-Grad School Guide: This guide covers things to consider when applying to graduate school as an undocumented students, programs that fund undocumented students and resources to help you with your application.
UndocuGrad Series: A series of narratives by undocumented graduate students that details their experiences applying and attending graduate school programs
Community of Peers
Undocu-Edu: An immigrant-led initiative that uplifts undocumented educators. This team is made up of directly-impacted community educators and teachers in NYC. They work together to center the narratives of current and aspiring undocumented educators.
UndocuProfessionals: A platform for the undocumented communities to highlight their experiences from student as they transition to professionals. Undocumented professional opportunities are impacted by work authorization, certification, and licensing. A lot of spaces with resources are available on Instagram, be sure to check out these pages: