One of the main reasons for early transfer planning is to make sure that degree programs and curriculum are meeting your future educational plans. When you wait until the last semester, this limits your choices and options. This timeline will help you to determine when to do your planning and transfer:
First Semester – 0 to 12 credits
The transfer process should start your first semester. Start researching four year schools that will best fit you.
Start thinking about a major. This is usually the hardest task to face. Make an appointment to see a Career Counselor so that you can explore options.
Research the schools that you are interested in to see if they have an articulation agreement with Hostos.
Attend Transfer Fairs. Meet with college reps and ask them questions.
Make an appointment with an advisor in the Office of Transfer Services.
It is not too early to start planning with the advisor.
Second Semester – 13-24 credits
Get on mailing lists. When you visit fairs, sign up for college catalogs. Once you are on their mailing list, you will receive invitations to open houses, information about financial aid, scholarships and brochures about the specific major you are interested in.
Visit the Transfer Center. In the Transfer Center we have college catalogs, applications, reference books and information for over 150 four year institutions.
Start exploring scholarship opportunities. Research scholarships and review the criteria.
Talk to faculty at the four colleges that you are interested in. E-mail admissions and faculty in the specific major that you are interested in and ask them questions about the major and degree requirements.
Make an Appointment with an advisor in the Office of Transfer Services.
Third Semester – 25-30 credits
Make an appointment to see a transfer counselor.
Apply for admissions to at least three four year colleges. Review application and all deadlines. Start asking your professors for recommendations. Create an application portfolio, which includes a checklist, resume and any other materials which can assist you with your transfer. Have an English professor review your essays.
Request your transcripts to be mailed to the four colleges that you are interested in. Not needed for CUNY colleges.
Fourth Semester 35-45 credits
Apply for financial aid.
Once you receive letters of acceptance, if you have not already done so, schedule a visit. Talk to other students and ask their opinions about the school.
Review all your credit evaluations. Ask all the schools to provide you with credit evaluations. If you have questions, make an appointment with a transfer counselor here at Hostos.
Make an appointment with an advisor in Office of transfer Services and do your online transfer application.
READ ALL YOUR MAIL. You do not want to miss out on any opportunities.