Four of our professors were awarded Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) Research Faculty Fellowships on behalf of the BRES Collaboration Hub at the CUNY Graduate Center:
  1. Dr. Eugena Griffin (Associate Professor, BSS) has received support for her project, “Race, Representation, and Cultural Studies”
  2. Dr. Linda Ridley (Lecturer, BUS) has received support for her project, “A Symptomatic Study of the Relationship of Chattel Slavery to the Teaching of Business and Management”
  3. Emmanuel A. Velayos Larrabure (Assistant Professor, Latin American & Caribbean Studies)
  4. Víctor M. Torres-Vélez (Assistant Professor, Latin American & Caribbean Studies) 
Each has been awarded $2,000 and will participate in an inaugural cohort of BRES Faculty Fellows.
BRESI is a historic initiative at CUNY with the overarching goal of reimagining and transforming programs in Black, Race, and Ethnic studies CUNY-wide. More than 500 proposals were submitted from across CUNY and were evaluated by members of the BRESI Council and nine RFP committees. A total of 126 proposals have been selected for funding, including those that demonstrated qualities as innovation, focus and impact on the development of ethnic studies, and sustainability; emphasis was also placed on representing a broad cross-section of the CUNY community including community and senior colleges and graduate and professional schools.

Go here to learn more about this innovative project, the Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) Council, established by CUNY Chancellor Félix Matos Rodríguez.