video created by the Student Success Leaders, first-year students, and Emmanuel Diaz, a Hostos Sound Lab Technician
Hostos students involved with CUNY’s Strive for Success (S4S) program created a video that was shown at the program’s year-end banquet on June 1 at the CUNY Graduate Center.

The video was a collaborative effort of the Student Success Leaders, first-year students, and Emmanuel Diaz, a Hostos Sound Lab Technician. S4S is a peer mentoring college success program that assists first-year students complete their first year of college through academic advisement and other support services.

About Hostos Community College
Eugenio María de Hostos Community College is an educational agent for change that has been transforming and improving the quality of life in the South Bronx and neighboring communities since 1968. It serves as a gateway to intellectual growth and socioeconomic mobility, as well as a point of departure for lifelong learning, success in professional careers, and transfer to advanced higher education programs. The College’s unique Student Success Coaching Unit provides students with individualized guidance and exemplifies its emphasis on student support services.

Named one of the top 10 finalists for the 2015 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, Hostos offers 28 associate degree programs and two certificate programs that facilitate easy transfer to The City University of New York’s (CUNY) four-year colleges or baccalaureate studies at other institutions. The College has an award-winning Division of Continuing Education & Workforce Development that offers professional development courses and certificate-bearing workforce training programs. Hostos is part of CUNY, the nation’s leading urban public university, which serves more than 500,000 students at 24 colleges.