All building evacuations will occur when an alarm sounds and/or upon notification by emergency personnel.
If necessary or if directed to do so by a designated emergency official, activate the building alarm (pull station).
Do not use elevators during an emergency evacuation. Emergency personnel may use an elevator for evacuation after a review of the circumstances.
When the building evacuation alarm is sounded or when told to leave by a designated emergency official, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same.
Once outside, move clear of the building allowing others to exit.
Do not return to an evacuated building until advised by emergency personnel.
If you have a disability and are unable to evacuate, call 6888 and tell the emergency dispatcher where you are or where you will be moving. If you must move, move to an exterior enclosed stairwell. Request persons exiting by way of the stairway to notify the Fire Department of your location.
Be aware of people with disabilities in your area who might require assistance in an emergency evacuation. Be prepared to render assistance if necessary. Assisting visually impaired individuals during an evacuation:
In assisting visually impaired individuals during a building evacuation, advise the person of the nature of the emergency and offer your arm for guidance. As you walk, inform the person where you are and of any obstacles in your path. When you reach safety, orient them to a safe location and ask if they need any further assistance.
In assisting hearing impaired individuals during an evacuation keep in mind that person who is hearing impaired may not perceive an audible fire alarm. Use an alternate warning system. Write a note to tell the person of the situation, the nearest evacuation route, and the assembly area. You can also turn the light switch on and off to gain their attention (only if there is no gas leak).
Assisting non-ambulatory persons/persons using crutches, canes or walkers, always consult the person as to his/her preferences regarding:
Ways of being removed from the wheelchair
The number of people necessary for assistance
Whether to move or extend extremities when lifting
The need for a seat cushion or pad.