As you prepare to transition to distance education, here are a few checklist items you are recommended to note prior to commencing your teaching so that you are fully prepared:
Additional How-To's to assist with your transition can be found below:
How to reset your password
If you need to reset your password you can use our Self Service Password Management (SSPM) tool. You will need to know your Hostos Login (the first part of your eMail address). You will have options to reset or unlock your password if necessary. If you have never used the SSPM before you might be required to enroll. Once you enroll you will be able to set your challenge questions and answers, so at a later date you will be able to reset your password if you need to.
How to access the Library databases
- To access databases or sign-in to OneSearch use your CUNY Login account Username [], where “NN” is the last 2+ digits of your CUNY EMPLID and your Password.
- If you do not know your CUNY Login, please activate your account by clicking this link and following instructions. For more information on the CUNY Login, please see CUNY Login FAQ’s.
- For Library assistance regarding the CUNY Login, please use the Library Chat.
Anti-Virus Software
Having anti-virus protection is essential to preventing serious damage to your computer caused by viruses. Many internet service providers (ISP) have free anti-virus software available for customers. Call your ISP or log in to your account to find out how you can download your free copy.
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