Join award-winning playwright Eric Avilés from Liberation Arts Collective for an immersive Playwriting & Theater Workshop series. Open to all, with special consideration for people of color, people with disabilities and Bronx residents (18 and above). These workshops emphasize holistic self-exploration, a nurturing and collaborative environment, connection-building, meditation, and creative games.
Two Sets of 6 Sessions are offered. The first set is in the afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm and the second in the evening from 6 pm to 8 pm. You only need to choose one set that fits your schedule. Below is information on dates, workshop details, and how to register.
Two Sets of 6 Sessions are offered. The first set is in the afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm and the second in the evening from 6 pm to 8 pm. You only need to choose one set that fits your schedule. Below is information on dates, workshop details, and how to register.