Guidelines for Requesting CUNYfirst Application Security Access

Hostos users that require access to the CUNYfirst application must have their supervisor contact Hostos Access Approvers/Subject Matter Expert (SME) to request access to CUNYfirst.

Digital signatures are not an acceptable form of approval for CUNYfirst access requests. Approvals can be handwritten on the form or an email approval from the needed approvers can be submitted.

Once the necessary approvals are acquired, the user’s supervisor should submit the signed form to the Help Desk ( for processing and the supervisor will oversee the case.

All CUNYfirst access forms are to be processed by the local campus Help Desk/Service Desk. A user should never send an access form directly to the Application Security Liaison (ASL). Forms should be processed by the Help Desk/Service Desk at the local campus.

CUNYfirst Access forms are located on URL -> Information Security -> CUNYfirst Application Security

Forms should never be copied or kept on your desktop for duplication; updated forms will always reside at the above URL

Current Hostos Access Approvers are: