For assistance with the Language and Cognition Department email: Carl James Grindley (Chairperson). Emails will be answered within 24 hours from Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.
The Department of Language and Cognition facilitates the acquisition of English language and academic skills within a sequential program of academic content-based ESL instruction. It seeks to help students to acquire reading and writing skills that satisfy university requirements and to prepare for success in the college's academic programs. The department also offers courses in Linguistics.
Message from the Chair
Welcome to the Language and Cognition Department!
I am so glad that you are here, and wish you all the best for your time at Hostos.
With the end of the pandemic, we are eager to get back to business as usual. We are beginning to schedule more and more in-person classes, and want to help you build your English language skills while you study for your degrees. To learn a language at the college level, to explore academic subjects, to be a college student is not easy. It is our goal to cheer you on, and give you advice and guidance every step of the way.
Keep in mind that we also offer classes in Linguistics. Many of us at Hostos, students and faculty alike, are multilingual and grew up with, or learned more than one language. Our courses in Linguistics explore what it means to be bilingual, both as an individual and as a member of society. You can study how language operates as an important power tool and the ways we use language to negotiate interpersonal and political relations through the spoken and written language. The courses further help you understand the process of language acquisition, but also the many building blocks of language itself, such as word forms and the very fabric of grammatical structures that make up the discourses we use in our daily lives. These courses offer you credits for the flexible common core and can be a good match for your major.
Please take a moment to go over our website and check out our programs.
Wishing you an exciting and joyful experience on your path to success!
Carl James Grindley, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Language and Cognition