Career Toolkits
Career Toolkits - Created by the Hostos Career Services Office to help you prepare your employment portfolio. Find sample resumes, employment letters and career information.
Resume Assistance:
- View the Resume Guide and access Sample Resumes
- Watch Video: How to Fill Out Common Resume Sections
- Sign-up with Skillshop, Grow with Google, for guidance on creating a resume and cover letter. Complete Path 3: Land a Great Job: Students use digital tools to search for a job, write a resume and cover letter, and learn how to stand out in interviews while conveying their personal brand throughout.
- Please view the resume samples in the toolkits and begin your first draft of the resume. Upon completion, visit Career Services, D210, to have your resume reviewed and schedule a Career Readiness coaching meeting. You may visit Career Services to schedule an appointment with a team member. If you are a recent graduate, to schedule an appointment, please email
