Assessment and Communication

The Assessment and Communication office optimizes SDEM marketing, communication, and assessment practices to enhance student experience and success. Our processes assist SDEM units to determine the effectiveness of its programs and their impact on student satisfaction, engagement, and learning. We support the mission of Hostos by promoting student success through collaborative partnerships within and across the divisions.

Our goal is to tell our SDEM story by:

  • Communicating with Intent.
    • Supporting and amplifying SDEM communications.
    • Outreach: using the right communication channels in an open, innovative, transparent and forward-thinking way.
    • Communications support;
      • SDEM unit identity
      • Enrollment Publications
      • Web content and maintenance
      • Marketing and promotional activities
      • Social Media Accounts
  • Utilizing assessment to inform and guide decision-making; promoting a culture focused on the continuous improvement of SDEM programs and services.
    • Measuring the impact of SDEM communications, content and campaigns
    • Providing assessment support in Annual reporting and Operational Planning.

SDEM staff may submit a request for assistance with marketing and communications by completing our in-house communication request form. Requests must be received 7 business days in advance of the target distribution date. Note that the requestor is responsible for proofreading the communications prior to submitting the form. 

Contact the team if you have questions on;
  • SDEM Assessment [A-PART/OP Plan],
  • SDEM Unit communication plans,
  • SDEM social media and website post, 
  • SDEM email distribution