Power Failure
The following actions are to be taken by members of the college community in the event of a power failure:
Report any power failure immediately to the Department of Campus Police & Security Services ext.6888. Back-up emergency power should make it possible to use the college telephones for a while. However if the office telephones are not working, locate a security officer who will relay the information via portable radio.
Remain where you are until the extent of the problem is determined. Campus Police officers will go from room to room informing occupants to remain where they are until notified otherwise.
Keep a flashlight available in your office at all times. Never use candles during a power failure.
During the daytime hours you can attempt to add as much natural lighting as possible by raising blinds and opening draperies.
Faculty with classes should remain where they are until notified otherwise.
During a power failure or possible power failure, never use an elevator. If you become trapped in an elevator during a power outage, use the emergency phone in the elevator to contact the Department of Campus Police & Security Services. Wait for assistance. Try not to panic. Help will be on its way.
Once power is restored, Campus Police officers will go from room to room and notify the occupants.
Plumbing Problem/Flooding
Cease using all electrical equipment. Notify the Department of Campus Police & Security Services immediately. If necessary vacate the area and prevent anyone else from entering.
Gas Leaks
Cease all operations! Do not switch on the lights or any electrical equipment. Remember, electrical arcing can trigger an explosion! Immediately notify the Department of Campus Police & Security Services. Wind direction should be monitored and all emergency vehicles and crews should be up wind from the gas fumes.