Student Profiles

  • Gael Georges

    Gael Georges

    was born to excited parents in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in 1981 and was raised for nineteen years on that island. He moved to the United States and New York City in 2000 to pursue his college education and explore better options for his life. After much consideration, and coming to an understanding about the cost of a college education, Gael joined...
  • Theudys Mejia-Perez

    Theudys Mejia-Perez

    was born in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. He arrived in the United States of America in August of 2006, (as a part of a group of extraordinarily talented students,) with a scholarship from the SEESCyT (Secretaria de Estado de Educacion Superior Ciencia y Tecnologia) to study at Hostos Community College and also to develop his...
  • Liliete Lopez

    Liliete Lopez

    was born in Nicaragua on January 16, 1977. She lived in that country for the first thirteen years of her life and then moved to the United States. In her country of origin, Liliete was not allowed to attend school, because she had a disability. Liliete is vision impaired and although she started to get an education later in life than most people, she...
  • Michelle Lara-Arthur

    Michelle Lara-Arthur

    was born in Trinidad, in the West Indies and came to the United States of America in September of 1995. She is the mother of four children and has an abundance of energy and stamina. Michelle returned to school to continue her education, which was interrupted by the birth of her children. Once Michelle returned to school she made it...
  • Maria Delgado

    Maria Delgado

    was born in the country of Honduras in Central America and arrived in America in 1991 along with her mother and two brothers. The long journey that Maria has been on has taken her through a variety of roles in her life and led her to a place, where she finally feels that she is achieving her goals. Maria is in her fifth semester here at Hostos and is...
  • Timothy Tambe

    Timothy Tambe

    was born in Cameroon and arrived in the United States in 2005 to study and to make a better life for his sister and himself. When he first arrived in New York City he was amazed to see how different the world was on this side of the globe. However, after almost four years of living in New York City, Timothy has discovered that New York is the most...
  • Yezmin Pena

    Yezmin Pena

    of Colombian heritage was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela and arrived in the United States in 2003 to pursue her dream of getting an education. When she first arrived in the United States she did not speak any English, but over the past two years, Yezmin has blossomed and become one of the strongest representatives of the college as one of the...
  • Elizabeth Soriano

    Elizabeth Soriano

    was born in the Dominican Republic and came to the United States in 2004. In a very short time as a student at Hostos Community College, Elizabeth has participated in a variety of programs and been supported by the entire college community in her search to find the road that she wants to travel on. Elizabeth’s goal is to become...
  • Kerri-Ann Mchayle

    Kerri-Ann Mchayle

    was born in Jamaica in a small town in the parish of St. Elizabeth. She arrived in the U.S. six years ago and now lives in the Northeast Bronx. Kerri-Ann is in her third semester here at Hostos and besides being an officer of the Praise Christian Club and the Black Student Union she is also an outspoken and vital member of the Hostos...