Credit Requirements
Major Credits
All degree seeking students must declare an academic major. Each major has required courses that must be completed. To learn more about this major, use the Pathways Requirements option on the left side menu on this page. Select Digital Music when you get to the Pathways degree programs page.
General Education Pathways Credits
All academic degrees require completion of CUNY Pathways general education credits. Each major has unique Pathways requirements. To learn more about Pathways General Education requirements for this degree, click on the Pathways Requirements option on the left side menu.
Writing Intensive Credits
All degree seeking students must complete two (2) writing intensive courses. Search for Writing intensive courses in the schedule of classes by selecting Writing Intensive as an 'Attribute.' You can also learn more about the writing intensive requirement by downloading the college catalog ( and using the search term writing intensive.
Elective Credits
Most degree programs have elective credits that allow students to select course/s based on their professional and/or personal interests. All degrees have unique guidelines and requirements for elective credits. Check the college catalog ( or the Pathways degree requirements ( to discover which electives are accepted to complete an associate’s degree.