Networking is establishing relationships with people who will often become your friends and community of colleagues as you go through your career.
. A networking contact might result in any of the following:
- Inside information on what's happening in your field of interest, such as an organization's plan to expand operations or release a new product.
- Job search advice specific to your field of interest, like where jobs are typically listed.
- Tips on your job hunting tools (i.e. resume and/or portfolio).
- Names of people to contact about possible employment or informational interviews (see below).
- Follow-up interview and possible job offer.
Developing your network is easy because you know more people than you think you know. Consider:
- family, friends, roommates, and significant others
- faculty and staff, fellow students, and alumni
- past and present co-workers
- neighbors
- club, organization, and association members
- people at the gym, the local coffee house, and neighborhood store
- people in your religious community
These people are all part of your current network, professional and personal. Keep an on-going list of the names and contact information of the people in your network.
How to Network? (Provided by LinkedIn)

Suggested questions for starting conversations:
● Hello my name is___, how are you today?
● How are you affiliated with UD and what brought you to this event?
● What is your role in ______ organization?
● How did you come to work for ________ organization?
● What is one of your favorite things about your job?
● How do you think most employees would describe your workplace?
● Is there anyone else with whom you recommend I connect with?
Suggested phrases for leaving conversations:
● It’s been great talking with you. Would you be open to a follow-up meeting when you next come to campus?
● I appreciate your time & would like to keep in touch. May I have your contact info?
● Thanks for your time. Can I send you a LinkedIn invitation to further connect?
What is an Information Interview?
An informational interview is a meeting to learn about the real-life experience of someone working in a field or company that interests you. It's not a job interview, so it's important to keep focused on getting information, not a job offer.
Questions To Ask During An Informational Interview
Select questions that are appropriate for your target career field and stage of decision-making. You can ask about such topics as the nature of a person’s work, how to get started in the field, or effective approaches for the job search. Use some of the following questions or make up your own.
What are your main responsibilities as a...?
What is a typical day (or week) like for you?
What do you like most about your work?
What do you like least about your work?
What kinds of problems do you deal with?
What kinds of decisions do you make?
How does your position fit within the organization/career field/industry?
How does your job affect your general lifestyle?
What current issues and trends in the field should I know about/be aware of?
What are some common career paths in this field?
What kinds of accomplishments tend to be valued and rewarded in this field?
What related fields do you think I should consider looking into?
How did you become interested in this field?
How did you begin your career?
How do most people get into this field? What are common entry-level jobs?
What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter this field?
How relevant to your work is your undergraduate major?
What kind of education, training, or background does your job require?
What skills, abilities, and personal attributes are essential to success in your job/this field?
What is the profile of the person most recently hired at my level?
What are the most effective strategies for seeking a position in this field?
Can you recommend trade journals, magazines or professional associations which would be helpful for my professional development?
If you could do it all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? If not, what would you change?
I’ve read that the entry-level salary range for this field is usually in the range of ______? Does this fit with what you’ve seen? (Don’t ask about the person’s actual salary.)
What advice would you give someone who is considering this type of job (or field)?
Can you suggest anyone else I could contact for additional information?