Did you know that SPARC training is MANDATORY for all students enrolled at Hostos?
As part of New York State's Enough is Enough statute, all New York State colleges must provide ongoing education and training about sexual misconduct to their employees and students. To be in full compliance with this law, CUNY implemented the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC), an online training that students must complete to continue their enrollment.
What is SPARC?
SPARC, which stands for Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response is an online mandatory training to inform students of the ways to prevent and report incidents of sexual misconduct and educate students about available resources. SPARC is used to educate the University community on policies pertaining to sexual misconduct, how to report incidents, and available resources. It covers domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and sexual violence.
For additional information regarding SPARC, visit the OCD website here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Juana Minaya, Student Life Specialist, at (718) 518-6789, or send an email to SPARC@hostos.cuny.edu.
Click here for the CUNY SPARC FAQs.
For steps on how to log in to the SPARC course, click here.
We look forward to helping you through this process.
Have a great semester!