United States Studies

The United States Studies Option (USSO) provides students with interdisciplinary perspectives on the society and culture of the United States. Choosing this Option allows students to explore the nation’s political, historical, and economic foundations, and engage in contemporary debates on the major issues and questions affecting American society. The United States Studies Option also promotes civic knowledge and an understanding of its significance, both in the past and in contemporary American society. Students will develop the skills to ask critical questions, improve their reading comprehension, research and write in multiple disciplines, and become better problem solvers, which are marketable skills for a wide variety of careers and academic majors.

A multi-dimensional perspective on the evolution of American society could help students transition into the following academic majors: History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Literature, and Ethnic Studies; and into many careers, including: Education, Politics, Educational or Political Consulting, Public History, creative fields, and others that value strong reasoning and writing skills.

In addition to any courses taken as part of the Common or Flexible Core, students must take 3 additional courses as part of their electives. Students must take 1 course from each of the tiers below:

Tier 1
POL 101—Introduction to American Government (3 credits) OR HIS 210—US History through the Civil War (3 credits)

Tier 2
HIS 211—US History: Reconstruction to the Present (3 credits) OR HIS 214—Modern African American History (3 credits)

One (1) course from Tier 3
SOC 140—Race and Ethnicity (3 credits)
BLS 161—Hip Hop Worldview (3 credits)
LAC 132—Hispanic Migration to the U. S. (3 credits)
LAC 246—Latino/Latina Literature in the U. S. (3 credits)
ENG 211—The Modern American Novel (3 credits)
ENG 225—Literature of the Black American (3 credits)
VPA 114—Modern Art in the City (3 credits)
WGS 200—Gender and Work (3 credits)