Title V - FYE Mentor Program

First-Year Mentor Job Description 


First-year mentors provide guidance and support to new students during the first year of college that contributes to students’ college experience.  First-year mentors are experienced students, who help new students establish social connections, navigate academic requirements, identify effective study habits, get access to valuable resources and campus events, and much more. 


Roles and Responsibilities  

·         Connect with first-year students during enrollment and orientation events to answer any questions students may have about their programs and starting their first semester. 

·         Introduce new students to student life, campus events, and encourage participation in extra-curricular activities. 

·         Provide a safe space for students to ask any questions and offer strategies for navigating the first year, managing stress, and accessing campus resources. 

·         Serves as a role model for Hostos students by encouraging and modeling a successful balance of academic and college life.  

·         Provide personalized guidance tailored to the specific needs of the student 

·         Attends and participates in FYE mentoring training sessions and bi-weekly meetings during the semester 

·         Maintain frequent communication with other First Year mentors and first year experience staff, including checking e-mail, TEAMS notices, and meeting. 

·         Conduct study skills and time management workshops.



·         Completed at least 15 academic credits or more at Hostos. 

·         GPA of 3.0 or higher 

·         General knowledge of Hostos resources and support services 

·         Strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills 

·         Familiar with college email, CUNYFirst, Blackboard, Degree Works, Succeed@hostos 

·         Ability to work 5 to 10 hours per week  

·         Ability to attend workshops, meetings, and training sessions 


Hourly Pay Rate: $16


Email nfabara@hostos.cuny.edu with any questions.